Contaminated tap water

Meri Maura

May 2024 bring less misery 🥂
Feb 6, 2021
the BYC underground
My Coop
My Coop
My family and I recently moved to uruguay, and we got very sick, including my cat. We suspect it was from drinking the tap water. Since then we have only been drinking filtered water. Should I also be giving my chickens water from our burkey water filter, or is it OK for them to drink tap water?
let’s start with are you sure it was the water that got you all sick?

secondly, if it was, you should ditch that berkey filter as it isn’t nsf/ansi certified to do much of anything beyond removing lead from your drinking water.

if you’re worried about the water for your chickens, just set up a rain catchment and allow them to drink rain water.

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