Consolidated Kansas

I got 80'x6' of 1" polynet off CL a few weeks ago I was going to try to use that with zip ties and t-posts and use part of an existing dog kennel. I need somewhere around a 5x7 or 6x6 run to handle these banties and theres a 12 x 10 kennel with an extra dog house in it out there. I need to talk to the owner today when I do chores.
Sounds like you have it covered, Ritter! :)

I was at Atwoods this morning in Derby--- there are CHICKS!!!!
The kids had a great time looking them over. They had a bunch of WCB Polish and some silver laced polish, assorted heavies, bantams, silkies, etc, etc... Oh, and lots of ducks. But I don't know what kind of duck. No poults or gunneas came in yet-- they said more are coming.
David, hopefully I'll get my hatching act together soon. I will definitely have some marans.
So sorry for all of your with your sick kids. It sure has seemed to be an awful year for that kind of thing.
I had planned to try to do some building my my chicken trailer today. It is my Mom's birthday so we are trying to plan a last minute birthday celebration for her this evening, even if she is sick. That means I absolutely have to go shopping and do some cooking. That will probably carve three hours out of my day because to get anything I have to drive about an hour each way.
Even with tons of chicks around I still really have to resist buying up a bunch of chicks from the chick bins. I really would like to get some orpingtons this year. My daughter keeps saying she will send me eggs but it hasn't happened.
I have a total of 26 new Seramas and a few more pipped eggs now. I hatched the three larger eggs that were in the incubator too. Not sure what they are. I really didn't look very carefully.
I had to move my bigger turkey back into the bin of chicks last night cause he was hollering in the middle of the night. I guess the three turkey chicks weren't enough company for him. So this morning I moved the bigger breed chicks in with the turkey chicks and then put him back in. He is happy now.
I put the baby ducks in a bin and they've managed to get soaking wet again and are screaming cause they are cold. They will play in the water as long as there is any to play in.Duh! My lap duck was enjoying the playtime but started yelling loudly. Took him out and put him in my lap and now he is totally content! If I put this little guy on the floor he runs after me where ever I go. DH tried to get him to follow him last night and he kept running back to me. Crazy duck! I really don't need a house duck! But you can't help but love it.
I wonder why I wasn't one of those women who are all hung up about a tidy house and a tidy appearance instead of being an animal lover. I always have been one.
I hope everyone's kids get well soon, that's the pits to have sick children. I think we have all had more respiratory illness this year than in some years, maybe due to the mild winter, I don't know.

tnt, sorry about your shed & not being able to get it put up. Could you put a temporary brooder box that you could move in the coop & attach a light to it instead of hanging it in the coop? The one I bought on Craigslist really is fairly simple if you or your DH are all right building something. You could build it & then it could go with you when you move. It might be a solution for you.

rittert, it sounds like you have a lot going on there.

Danz, that duck sounds adorable, it has patterned after you, I think they follow who they think their momma is. It may be kind of hard to convince it that it's a duck after this.
He is sound asleep on my lap right now. No I haven't moved yet! I got up while ago to go to the bathroom. He didn't see me leave. I hear all this yelling and I said "I'm in here!" That little sucker managed to find his way down the hall and ran to me in the bathroom just from the sound of my voice. How endearing! He is winning me over. sorry about your little girl. My DS has had a horrible cough for a few weeks now. Its finally getting better but for awhile there he was barking to where it almost sounded like whooping cough. That sucks about having to wait until you move to get chicks - especially hard during chick days when everyone else is talking about it.
I know. I am upset about it and now I see the Atwoods has chicks.

I hope your daughter feels better soon! Doesn't sound good at all. My oldest was throwing up last night. This has been a bad year for being sick.
I may have gotten you confused with someone else-- but I thought you all were in contract on a house? Or that must be someone else! I wouldn't want to put up a shed that will have to be taken down in 2 more weeks, either!

I will be sure to post pics when I get more done on it! I hope today is going to be nice!! I have to take the dog to the groomer here in a bit and hopefully it will have warmed up a bit by then. Sounds like chick days are upon us. I don't want to buy any-- I just want to hatch my own! Sigh. But I can see how tempting it would be!

I hope your son is feeling better today. Lillie is still the same. I hope she starts improving soon. We are not in contract. Our house is going on the market today and we haven't found a house that interests me enough to go look at it. We better find one fast though because the listing agent is confident the house will sell very quick.

I hope everyone's kids get well soon, that's the pits to have sick children. I think we have all had more respiratory illness this year than in some years, maybe due to the mild winter, I don't know.

tnt, sorry about your shed & not being able to get it put up. Could you put a temporary brooder box that you could move in the coop & attach a light to it instead of hanging it in the coop? The one I bought on Craigslist really is fairly simple if you or your DH are all right building something. You could build it & then it could go with you when you move. It might be a solution for you.

rittert, it sounds like you have a lot going on there.

Danz, that duck sounds adorable, it has patterned after you, I think they follow who they think their momma is. It may be kind of hard to convince it that it's a duck after this.
Our coop is very odd shaped and frankly is a pain in the tail. The access doors are only big enough to scrape out shavings, and get eggs. Anything that fits through the clean out door is going to be about 8 inches tall. The coop is about 61/2 feet long and 3 foot wide and 4 foot tall but is raised off the ground about waist high. I don't know what my neighbor and my dh were thinking when they built this thing. It is very non user friendly. So do you think an 8 inch high brooder box will work?
What about an indoor brooder Tonya? My current coop can't accommodate a brooder either so I have no choice but to brood my chicks inside. Traditionally I've had them in the living room so that I can watch their antics more, but when I hatched Coturnix last year, they ended up in the basement and I think that's where I'm going to brood my chicks this year. I have a view out basement so they get plenty of natural light. I'm thinking I may use my old ferret cage to brood this time instead of the tub I've used in the past. I also have a rat cage I made years ago that has stood empty ever since and that is another option. If you don't have a suitable container and would like to borrow one or the other, let me know. I'm sure we can work something out for you
He is sound asleep on my lap right now. No I haven't moved yet! I got up while ago to go to the bathroom. He didn't see me leave. I hear all this yelling and I said "I'm in here!" That little sucker managed to find his way down the hall and ran to me in the bathroom just from the sound of my voice. How endearing! He is winning me over.

You bought those duck diapers a while back-- if you still have them, maybe this little guy will grow into them and you can keep him with you? He sounds like such a sweetie. :)
No I'm afraid if I name him I'll never get him outdoors! Yeah I do have those brand new duck diapers but it will be awhile before he could possibly fit in them! It would be better if it was a purebred instead of a silly ole mixed duck! I'm trying to get him interested in these new ducklings but he would rather yell at me to pick him up.
One of those by the way managed to drown himself in the waterer this morning.
"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt!"

So TNT just make a brooder out of a big rubbermaid type bin with the top cut out and hardware cloth to replace it. I start all of my chicks in the house in these bins before I move them out to the brooder house. Just stick a light over it and you have it made. It's the cheapest option and easy to clean and disinfect.
I decided to try to bake some bread. I'm not sure my yeast is even still good. I'll do anything to keep from going anywhere! Homemade bread is always better than store bought stuff any way. Wish me luck. I have it doing the first rise right now.

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