Conflicted about adding more ducks


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 13, 2018
Hello all! It’s been a while! I hope that everyone had a decent and safe winter. All is well with my remaining ducks, Remi (Rouen), Matilda (Rouen), and Goon 1(Muscovy).

2023 was a rough year for the crew, with the loss of the matriarch, Daphne, in spring, and the loss of my pied Muscovy, Goon 2, in the fall.

As Goon 1 became the lone Muscovy, and as she can be difficult, my plan for this spring was to purchase fertilized Muscovy eggs for her to hatch to repopulate the Muscovy crew. The other option was to find similarly aged girls for her. Goon 1 and Remi are turning 6 this spring. Matilda will be 5.

However, I am second-guessing the plan. It was a nice quiet winter. Goon 1 went from being bratty toward her Rouen sisters to being more closely bonded with them. Goon 1 always saw herself as vastly superior to the Rouens. Now, she lets Remi take the lead.

I’m afraid that the peace will be disturbed if I add more Muscovies and it will go back to an “us and them” situation, with the Muscovies treating my sweet Rouens like second-class ducks. Right now, Goon 1 has no choice, either she is nice to her sisters, or she is alone.

I don’t know what to do. It is an aging flock. Everyone is currently at full health, but I know that won’t last forever.

I am going out of the country at the end of the month, so can’t do anything until the beginning of April, but I don’t know what to do. Thoughts?

Oh. And one other option would be to have Goon 1 hatch some Rouens, therefore hopefully strengthening her bond with the breed.

Crappy picture is of my happy crew enjoying this morning’s mud.

It's great she has bonded with her 2 Rouen sisters and many say it can't be done because they speak a different language. I have a female Muscovy who has bonded with her Runners and Buffs she hatched and raised in 2016 she has never gone back to the Muscovy side. So to keep the peace and not make matters worse again maybe if you want to add to your flock let Goon 1 hatch Rouens she will not see them any different than she sees the 2 you have now. But if you add more Muscovy there may be a conflict of interest and becasue they will be her ducklings it may pull her away from Matilda and Remi. Of course it's always up to you this is just how I see it from here.

Good to see you and your girls too. ❤️
Hello! I think “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. Then again there is that constant itch for more ducks! I would say if you enjoy your current bevy then get two more newbies and enjoy the process. Or get eggs of a duck breed. Keep the change minimal.

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