Composting diatomaceous earth???


14 Years
May 10, 2009
Can anyone tell me if diatomaceous earth has any negative effects on the compost pile or compost containing diatomaceous earth use in the garden?
From what I've read on DE - once it gets wet it is no longer effective. Since a good compost pile gets wet I would think the DE would be a non issue. Someone more educated on the subject may have more to say/add.
No I've used it in mine for a couple years. Some think it will kill earthworms but it doesnt kill soft bodied animals like earthworms or grubs. I use it in my garden on my plants all the time, it kills mites but not tomato worms. It kills ants, it will kill bees but bees dont usually land on the ground where it would be so I've never noticed them affected here, we have lots of bees around. Just make sure you are using food grade....

Thanks for the info. I wanted to try DE but were concerned about it winding up in my compost, thanks.
DE will kill earthworms if enough of it is on the worms
it is jaged and the diadems do puncture holes in the earthworms body and they de hydrate
you must not have very much in your compost so it is not evedent to the worms or other soft bodied bugs

just what is in the manure of the chickens will kill soft bodied flies as they lite on the DE
that has to be at least 2% DE of the amt of feed used with DE added

But it is alright in the compost pile as the DE kills flies etc

Like for gardens you have to put the DE on the plants when they are fresh wet so it sticks as when it rains the DE falls into the soil

so by adding it when the plants are after a rain it will work then

when folks spray it in water on the cattle and goats and horses etc then they also spray it on the barn walls
and when it drys it is very activly destroying mites lice and flies
Very interesting, Thank you Glenda. Nice to have you aboard here on BYC. Always informative, with a fountain of information. Woody
I use it all around my garden and in my chicken coop and under my quail pen and in their feed and dust boxes... so whatever is left when I clean it goes in my compost. I clean weekly.. I do not do deep litter. I get worms out of my compost all the time for fishing and feeding my birds. So no I'm not dumping piles of it in but there's plenty that goes into it. I dust my whole yard and garden area with it using a sprayer that mixes it with water. So there's plenty around my yard and plenty of earthworms too. Flies are not what I am calling a soft body worms and grubs.

Thanks for the great info. We are new chicken owners and I have know about DE for years. It came up in regards to the chickens, very helpful!

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