Communal duck nest woes

Jun 7, 2023
So I think I posted this story a bit yesterday on the new members forum. I have 7 ducks. Two 2-year-old Harlequin ducks, Snow White and Golden Girl, and their one - year-old daughter, Whistle-Peep (only hatchling from their communal nest of 12 eggs in May 2022.) Last May I (of course!) acquired MORE ducks - some Pekins for the freezer and three Silver Appleyard girls, Matilda, Maude & Mini. I kept 1 Pekin drake, Doh!, as a breeder having lost my Harley drake, Sir Francis Quack, to a fox. Also kept one Pekin duck, Dear.
Anyway, this year the Harleys did not go broody at all, but the Appleyards did. Matilda started, getting all puffed up and fussed when I shooed her off the nest to collect eggs in the morning. There were several communal clutches going, and here and there an egg laid on the floor. I realized (duh) that Tildy was going broody, so I added a few really clean eggs from that morning's haul to her nest (once she left for her daily swim & groom) and marked all with a sharpie pen. May 13th, a Saturday. Marked my calendar for 28 days hence. For about a week to ten days, Matilda was all alone on that nest. I would wait for her to leave, then swoop in and collect the new, unmarked eggs that were being laid underneath her.
I know. I should have separated her and her clutch, somehow. With chickens and turkeys in the past I simply transferred the works to a clean large dog crate, deeply bedded in clean straw. Kept them cleaned, watered and fed and in 21 or 28 days, Voila! A lovely high percentage hatch. I didn't even candle the eggs back then. Just left it to mom, who always knew best.
Anyway... the other two AppleYards soon joined their sister in the broody nest. I guess I was afraid to move Matilda early on for fear she'd bum the whole lot. Whatever, I am new to the duck game.
So here we are. Within the hatch out window, from today Thursday the 8th June to Saturday the 10th.
Yesterday morning, I noted that one egg had externally pipped and got all excited. (tho I worried it was too soon.) In the evening when I went to the duck yard to close the gang in the duck house I found the same egg/duckling partially hatched out, and quite dead, by the duck yard gate. Somebody - one of the broodies, the drake, who???? - had picked this wee package up out of the nest and deposited it in the mud by the gate. And it was raining.
I was totally bummed. This morning i didn't really even want to go out there to see what fresh horrors awaited. But I went. I waited for the 3 moms to clamber off the nest and eat some fresh greens and swim. The remaining eggs looked good. And one was rocking and rolling!
At this point the fate of the wee ones is in the wings of the great duck goddess in the sky, or nature or whoever. But I sure could use some advice.
Ps I do have an incubator, which i used once with fertile chick eggs. Had some issues with temp/humidity. Some duds, some egg bounds, a few perky live ones - 5 out of 12 survived that experience.


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PS I have to go to work soon, so if folks weigh in here - and I thank all in advance - I will not respond till this evening. Cheers!


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For one sorry about the duckling being carried out of the coop and nest.
What you need to do is separate the original broody somehow from the others. let her stay in the coop but protect her from the others. Making sure when hatch starts the duckling have to stay with mama and aren't out wandering around. Mama isn't going to get off the nest to defend her ducklings. I have 2 broodies right now they are in separate coops so I don't have to worry about them going at each other once hatch starts but I have made spaces inside the coops for mama and ducklings once hatch starts so she can stay in the coop but can't be harassed by anyone.

For one sorry about the duckling being carried out of the coop and nest.
What you need to do is separate the original broody somehow from the others. let her stay in the coop but protect her from the others. Making sure when hatch starts the duckling have to stay with mama and aren't out wandering around. Mama isn't going to get off the nest to defend her ducklings. I have 2 broodies right now they are in separate coops so I don't have to worry about them going at each other once hatch starts but I have made spaces inside the coops for mama and ducklings once hatch starts so she can stay in the coop but can't be harassed by anyone.

good plan. Just came from DuckLand and it was a sad sight indeed. We were down to 5 possibly viable eggs scattered under the derrieres of 3 ducks yesterday morning, one externally pipped. This AM there were only four eggs, the pip gone and nowhere to be found. I (finally) did a quick candle of the four. One quitter, two ominously darker (like, gone rotten dark) and one .... maybe??????? Oh, there was one other egg that was laid under the broodys 2 days ago and I candled it and it was fertile with a lovely network of veins spreading, so the problem is not with the drake. I think I have a rat or skunk problem, and that was what was carrying off the half hatched kids. Ugh. I found one pushed up section of perimeter fence where a small skunk could push in, and I did smell skunk around a few nights ago.
So this year is a bust for me. Sadder, but wiser(?????)
PS. I am thinking of gathering some fresh and clean eggs and setting them up in one of my predator proof super big dog crates and introducing ONE broody duck to the situation. I probably won't use Matilda as she has already been setting 30 days+
(I shooed her off the nest for 4-5 days before I let her set).
Thanks so much for you sympathy and advice!
Update. Yesterday morning I set up that really big predator proof dog crate (wire crate enclosed in 1/4 inch hardware cloth, so hopefully rat and weasel proof) filled with clean straw, food and water and ten clean newly laid duck eggs and left it with the door open while the flock milled around. I decided to let the ducks decide who wanted to set this nest, and of course, Matilda, my steadfast brooder, stepped right in and began making happy mother duck noises over the clutch and got right to work arranging the nest to her liking.
This morning she is still very happy with her new digs. I opened the crate to give her a chance to go for a walk and swim, but she wasn't budging, so I closed her back in after about 1/2 hour. I don't want any bossy helpers! So far so good. Will let you know in 28 days.
Look for to your journey with Matilda and hopefully some new ducklings!!
Yes, I am glad she settled. I am working on building a little fenced in yard with mini pool (a small black rubber Fortex "feed" tub) so i can leave the crate door open during the day and she can have a stroll and go swimming without bossy flock buddies getting on the nest. The drake keeps stopping by to chat with her and pick up stray nest material as though he's helping with the housekeeping. It's kind of cute.
The communal nest with originally 11 eggs and three moms produced.... ONE duckling which looks to be an Appleyard (or, Harley) X Pekin cross. Big baby so I'm thinking : AppleYard. I apologize for mostly out of focus photos because I didn't want to overly excite the co-moms.
Matilda now has her own set-up and the drake hangs around in solidarity. Actually, the whole non broody crew spends a lot of time chilling near her.


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