Cold weather and ducklings


In the Brooder
Oct 20, 2023
I have 2 ducklings and just trying to figure out how to take care of them, they are about 6 or 7 weeks old. 1 is a Pekin and the other is a Rouen I think both females. The Pekin is still really skidish and don't understand why. Plus it is getting ready to be really cold and want to know what exactly I need to do for them.
A place inside a coop that is free of drafts is a start.if they are 6-7 weeks old they should be fully feathered or pretty close. Where are they being kept now? If you have a place outside the coop to sit water and food where it won’t get wet that is the best way to feed them they will make a mess inside. And at the age they are now they can go over night with out eating and drinking. Just never feed them without having fresh water close by they need water to eat. I use deep pine shavings in my coops so they can snuggle down into on cold nights. They need ventilation in their coop so either have a south or East window open some from the top to give the moisture they make a way out. When you get time if you take some pictures of your set up we can help better and we love duck pics too.
Right now they are in the garage until I get their outdoor enclosure done. I have there coop built just need to put a window in.


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Here is they're set up what else would I need to do for the cold weather?


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What do you have covering the top of your pen? if nothing that is the first thing I would work on is coverng it and making sure what ever you use is good and tied down so nothing can climb under. Raccoons, mink, weasels can climb that fence and take out your ducks in daylight. If you put a board in front of the door just high enough to keep the shaving inside then you can add deep litter to their coop. also that hardware cloth could rip open their feet and cause bumble foot I would def remove it. Other than what I just said it looks good. You might want to make a cover to go over their feed to keep it from getting wet when it rains and snows.

and for got to say :welcome
Good advice, as always, from Miss Lydia. Hard to tell from the pic how big the coop building is. Once your ducks are fully grown, or you get more, they may need a bigger space.
Not sure where you are. My run has a peaked roof that I covered with a heavy duty tarp. Helps keep the run protected from snow and rain, and prevents flying predators.
Lovely looking ducklings. Love the pond but expect mud.
Thank you guys for the advice, I do have a tarp put over the top. I know there is going to be a lot of mud until I get some grass put down. The house is big enough for the 2 I don't plan on getting anymore ducks. I am in Indiana so the winters can get a little harsh, also should I put a heater in the pond to keep it thawed for the winter? I do lock them up at night cuz I don't want any preditors to get them. I have chickens in another coop across from the ducks.
Not just the top but also starting from the bottom, cover/tarp 2 of the sides (that touch each other, not across from each other) so they have a windbreak, the north and west side is where most stormy winds come from where I live, and ducks hate wind, it makes them extra cold if they dont have protection from wind

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