Good morning all! Starting my 2nd cup after cooking a pot of oatmeal with blueberries for my 8 deserving pullets - 12 eggs in the past 2 days despite the long hours of dark & the windy, rainy weather.

Today it's partly cloudy, blue sky & bits of sun peeking through - will be a nice day to see out 2023! We'll meet up with our local daughter & her fiance to pub-crawl in Eureka in the early evening, then go back to their apartment to see in the new year (away from crowds & noise).

Have to dose our anxious dog with CBD chews & lock the pups indoors before we go, as some of our neighbors celebrate with loud fireworks and shooting of guns, alas. It only annoys the corgi, but Winnie's scared of any "booms".

So glad to have made y'all's acquaintance this year, and Happy New Year!

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