[ I highly recommend you NOT do as I do-
&- no one said coffee is BAD for you ]
Coffee may help reduce inflammation in most people. However, some people may experience increased inflammation following coffee consumption. If this applies to you, consider reducing your intake

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Have a wonderful day everyone, I am going to do a few everyday chores and things. But mostly,
I am going to read today, watch the boats and chickens and play with my dogs.
Pick a great salad from the garden, drink my water with lemon and mint from the garden.
It has been a long 6 months of hard work.

I am going to Be Still,,,,,,,,,, at least i will try
So an update,, I called my naturopath, I told her that since Sat. I have not had coffee, and I'll keep up with the a.m. hot lemon water and just have water through out the day, that I will keep up. I haven't had any headache or felt weird, BUT!!! I LOVE COFFEE!!!!!!! and earl gray.
Our main goal here is to help my arthritis. When your PH is off you get inflammation. Acidic things make inflammation. So I eat anti-inflammatory - all but coffee and tea---
My hands do feel better, neck and back not so much yet.
🤔 😁
So we compromised-
How about instead of an 8 to 10 cup pot in the morning and 2 cups in the afternoon
I just have one cup of decaf in the a.m. after my lemon water and a cup of decaf tea or coffee at 3pm with still having plenty of water throughout the day??????????????????????

👩‍⚕️ well, ok, lets see how it goes, if there is inflammation and pain,,take it away.

It is pretty much impossible for the food and beverages we consume to change our blood or body PH. It can change urine ph so if there is a kidney stone problem, It might help with that.

Alas, it has not been shown to help with arthritis or cancer but following the diet can help you be healthier. https://www.webmd.com/diet/a-z/alkaline-diets

Coffee, in the two to three cup range consistently shows health benefits.
It is pretty much impossible for the food and beverages we consume to change our blood or body PH. It can change urine ph so if there is a kidney stone problem, It might help with that.

Alas, it has not been shown to help with arthritis or cancer but following the diet can help you be healthier. https://www.webmd.com/diet/a-z/alkaline-diets

Coffee, in the two to three cup range consistently shows health benefits.
Ya, ok, you do your health your way and I'll do mine,
I really dont think I suggested anyone else do as do,
This is what works for me, and what I do .
Everyone has to do what is right for them, as we all know, no 2 are alike. PTL

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