I'm sorry about your husband :hugs :hugs I feel like such a cry baby, when I think of my left over compared to other people. It was my right side that was affected as well, it was my right knee that gave out when going up the stairs that caused my broken wrist. When I get one of my bad headaches in the back of my head, where it all started, I still get scared.

He has you to help him 💖

You should be very aware of any changes in your body.

Yes I do care for him.

I try to keep him in a positive mood.

He had an appointment with a physician Friday related to his bowel problems.

Since that appointment he has been so upbeat, just likehe use to be.

I hope this last mood lasts.

My brother like 30 years ago had had 4 massive strokes kept removing the dead parts of his brain let the living swell .. My brother is stubborn like me smart as whip before .. We were told he was a vegtable he winked at me said I am good. I moved to let him live with me get his rehab at wonderful hospital here .. After three half years he moved into his own place.. Lives his own life again but
cannot feel his left leg speach is still slurred till he get frustrated then it is like he is drunk but he does not drink anymore

It sounds like he has a positive attitude, which is very good for him.

It was so good of you to move so he had a good place to rehab.
Morning ya’ll. Coffee on and waiting. It is raining and has been all night. animals fed and watered. Breakfast- oatmeal with cranberries and walnuts and good, hot coffee.
that is how we have our steel cut oats & with cinnamon..

we had eggs, garden fresh kale & homemade red cabbage kraut with fetta on top

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