Sorry missed the question about your silkie I lost my las 2 the heat wave we had out here .. I know have 5 growing up but will take awhile.
We've got thunderstorms this morning so I hadn't went out yet and I can't tell from the window if they are still in coop or come down in run...I pray she makes it! She's the only one that is the least bit sweet!
Good morning everyone 😊 and Thanks Sour 😉

Good afternoon one and all!

Water, tea (even some decaf), condiments (with lemons), and ice are ready for your enjoyment.

Had to take my husband to Jacksonville for the same appointment two days in a row.

The physician couldn't make the appointment as he was in surgery. The physician ahead of him was late finishing his case.

The appointment went very good. I can only hope this will help him.

It will help with his depression tremendously.

Will keep you in the loop as it progresses.

Have a great day!

@Grammy60 I was not aware that you had had a stroke. I was only aware of the broken hand. By the way how is it doing?

Back to the stroke did you have any residual affects?

Good morning! Over the years I’ve lost many coffee cups by leaving them on fence posts. It appears I left this one before the bind weed grew up and decided to hang onto it for me so I could see it! View attachment 2753010View attachment 2753012

I think that is very ironic that the vine was strong enough to hold the cup.

I love to shop when I have the time.

I could easily shop for others.
Good morning 😊 Yes, last June and I was a lucky one as I keep hearing. I have a few lingering issues that I deal with daily and I can't go back to being a Preschool teacher. I still have balance issues, loud noises, bring on horrible headaches, my hands tend to shake or twitch whenever they want. I definitely faired better than many people and am very grateful for Vanderbilt Hospital.

My wrist is healed and I continue to do exercises to help build up my strength again. I broke it in two places and they put a metal plate with pins in. I was told the pain I have will get better over time. Thank you for asking.
Good morning everyone 😊 and Thanks Sour 😉

Good morning 😊 Yes, last June and I was a lucky one as I keep hearing. I have a few lingering issues that I deal with daily and I can't go back to being a Preschool teacher. I still have balance issues, loud noises, bring on horrible headaches, my hands tend to shake or twitch whenever they want. I definitely faired better than many people and am very grateful for Vanderbilt Hospital.

My wrist is healed and I continue to do exercises to help build up my strength again. I broke it in two places and they put a metal plate with pins in. I was told the pain I have will get better over time. Thank you for asking.

I deal with my husband every day.

He has had three strokes.

The last one caused him to fall and he ended up with a fractured hip on the right side.

He had a right sided stroke that left him with residual effects of the left leg and left arm.

He has trouble walking and hand does what it wants to at times.

He wants to be able to do the things he use to when he was younger. It's hard on him to realize he can't do what he use to.

I'm so glad you have very little residual effects.

Keep working with your fingers. Make them as good as you can.
I deal with my husband every day.

He has had three strokes.

The last one caused him to fall and he ended up with a fractured hip on the right side.

He had a right sided stroke that left him with residual effects of the left leg and left arm.

He has trouble walking and hand does what it wants to at times.

He wants to be able to do the things he use to when he was younger. It's hard on him to realize he can't do what he use to.

I'm so glad you have very little residual effects.

Keep working with your fingers. Make them as good as you can.
I'm sorry about your husband :hugs :hugs I feel like such a cry baby, when I think of my left over compared to other people. It was my right side that was affected as well, it was my right knee that gave out when going up the stairs that caused my broken wrist. When I get one of my bad headaches in the back of my head, where it all started, I still get scared.

He has you to help him 💖
I'm sorry about your husband :hugs :hugs I feel like such a cry baby, when I think of my left over compared to other people. It was my right side that was affected as well, it was my right knee that gave out when going up the stairs that caused my broken wrist. When I get one of my bad headaches in the back of my head, where it all started, I still get scared.

He has you to help him 💖

My advice to him is he could be worse. The residual effects That COULD HAVE BEEN LEFT ARE:

Not able to walk
Not able to eat
Not able to talk
Not able to complete tasks

I try to help him see he is very fortunate to have minimal residual effects.

It sounds like you minimal residual effects as well.

Keep up the work with your fingers.
Good morning! There must be something in the water here. Vines that pick coffee cups off fences and now deer in trees!
Hey good morning all brought a cup and pot of coffee needed it. George did you get to run dogs today ?
My brother like 30 years ago had had 4 massive strokes kept removing the dead parts of his brain let the living swell .. My brother is stubborn like me smart as whip before .. We were told he was a vegtable he winked at me said I am good. I moved to let him live with me get his rehab at wonderful hospital here .. After three half years he moved into his own place.. Lives his own life again but
cannot feel his left leg speach is still slurred till he get frustrated then it is like he is drunk but he does not drink anymore

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