Good morning, and thanks, Sue. Dogs and toenails - was handling a friend's dog at a field trial yesterday, and when removing her from a crate she put a l.5" gash across the top of my forearm. :barnie It was a combination of 'old man' skin and talon like claws.
Wow, so sorry, it can happen so quick, I dont know if in 11 years we can raise any more big dogs grandpa is 72, Tony1y7m is a good boy but a power house. Good this he has Ziva 2y7m to play with, they play rough Lolololo
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Lazy today. Had to get up in the middle of the night- something woke me up- a guilty conscience- I hadn't put the cover over the nesting boxes and picked up my trash bag when cutting weeds. There was a chance of rain, so I had to go out in the wee hours and fix things. Didn't wake up til 9:30. Have fed and watered the animals, checked out the garden and now am gonna sit with a cuppa coffee and watch Chicken TV. I did fill my hummingbird feeders earlier in the month and have had a couple of the little things buzz through the patio on their way to the feeder.
Wow, so sorry, it can happen so quick, I dont know if in 11 years we can raise any more big dogs grandpa is 72,
I'll be 80 in July - the Princess is 76 - we had decided 'No More Dogs' - then Miss Maggie Mae happened. The deal is that if we predecease her our daughter will take her. The house is empty without a dog.
I'll be 80 in July - the Princess is 76 - we had decided 'No More Dogs' - then Miss Maggie Mae happened. The deal is that if we predecease her our daughter will take her. The house is empty without a dog.
It is good that you guys have a dog again!

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