Have 3 birds in crate gal coming in the morning for birds picked 3 I got from member on the state thread so they know each other but not real old
Just sold three of my hens What I don't understand is ...when you say you are coming to get the chickens, why is it that you didn't bring anything the carry them off in? When I asked what they had to put them in, they just said We'll figure it out. I gave them an old wicker laundry container that I had in storage and we put the hens in there and zip tied the lid shut and turned it on it's side so they had more room to move. I would not have been surprised, but this is the fourth time this has happened. I lost a plastic laundry basket and towel rehoming chicks and two times I lost my dog kennel by letting someone borrow it to transport the chickens - they were supposed to bring it back. SMH
I am up, got up at 5, it is 43ish on the porch, but I am cold so I built a fire.

opened all the shades so I could seethe sun come over the hill
made coffee in one of my grandma mugs, I like this one it is bigger Hahaha

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