Things are great now. Texas was hit hard last week- no water for days, rolling power outages in single digit snowstorm. Grateful for all the snow though- boiled a LOT of water for animals, dishes and spitbaths, melted a lot for flushing. All good now, up in the 60's- snow all gone, water, power and gas on. Today I am gonna spread the weed and feed over the yard so the end of the week rains can soak it in.
How do you guys up north do this all winter??? You have my undying admiration. Give the heat in the summer over that anytime.
Hello :frow

How is everything where you are today?
Hello I've just made the coffee so please help yourselves :)

Thanks for the fresh pot Marie ☕☕

I'm in :caf Just taking a break here for a moment.

How are you today? ❣

I'm doing okay so far, thanks for asking 🤗

Busy day today, need to do laundry, clean the kitchen and vacuum. I figure it will get spread out over the next few days, as I'll never get it all done today.

Every year we have invasions of stink bugs and ladybugs and I feel like we can't get rid of them.😱 We spray around all the doors and windows and they still get inside.🤬

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