Morning ya'll. Coffee is dripping. Having homemade bread with butter and jelly this am. Then I need to go get the lawn mower out and see if I can get it started. The weeds are really getting bad right now. also need to go by TCS and get some dirt to put int he holes the dog dug this winter and some weed killer and get that spread. Sigh, yard work begins.
Morning ya'll. Coffee is dripping. Having homemade bread with butter and jelly this am. Then I need to go get the lawn mower out and see if I can get it started. The weeds are really getting bad right now. also need to go by TCS and get some dirt to put int he holes the dog dug this winter and some weed killer and get that spread. Sigh, yard work begins.
Yep, I will wait until after next cold spell to mow. Yard is looking shaggy- not really mow able yet-but need to knock down the weeds. Started tractor yesterday, same for pasture, getting ready.
And so IT begins.

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