Something interesting , to me anyway, was a short piece on google that popped up. Irish send funds to corona virus hit Native American community, returning a nearly 20 year old favor.
Apparently during the potato famine in Ireland, a tribe of Native Americans collected $ 170 dollars(think it said today that would be about $ 5,000) and sent it with a man going to Ireland. It paid for blankets and other items that were needed.

I've noticed a connection between Irish folks and Native Americans and wondered how it came to be. Now I know.
Thanks for the coffee, Sarah.

Most wise sourland - new symptom to tell you about :oops:. Today I had soup, reading the label I realized it was packed with salt. When I started ingesting it, it tasted blah, so I added salt. Couldn't taste that either. Go ahead tell me I am dying (slowly) from the virus.:th

Nah, just your taste buds dying of old age. Seriously, if conditions worsen, go to the doctor.

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