On my last cup of the day after an 'afternoon pastroll'(dog thing-patrol+stroll).
With no dog now I can see the tracks left by other animals better...wish I could still tromp thru the woods, but now I just stick to the yard.
Everything's been dripping and re-freezing for days, funky foot's kept me couched but finally got all of it cleaned up today ready for the drop in temps and more snow on it's way.

Have lost 4 molars in the last 18 months, after 10 years with no dental care finally an abscess sent me to the local health department....nice folks, low costs. Am all fixed up for now, luckily can still chew OK. Getting old stinks, not golden here.
rust is what i say
I used to have dental work without novocaine because I would be numb all day. I hated it.

Can't do the needle thing :oops: I panic on top of the gagging.

me too sue, i only had the one bad experience but that was enough to keep me from going to a dentist until i was 17 and broke a jaw tooth off, then i had to go, that dentist gave me tranquilizers to take a half hour before seeing him, but he was always gentle with me and like you, bad, bad gagger but he never said a word, went to him til he retired, once a year when i came home, would call and he would fit me in as he could, now my dentist is in pa
I don't remember how long it was before seeing a dentist, the military did some work and then in 2016 I had a tooth get infected really bad, so hence the major dentist bill before our move.
I am so sorry yes I was young working as a grease monkey at Shell back full serve gas station had a car jack get cranked in my lower jaw knocked me out cold .. woke to blood flowing from broken wisdom tooth .. 3 weeks later they scheduled me for oral surgery to remove both wisdom on broke worse than the other ... Woke to the worst pain in my life, he wrenched my Jaw horrible .. drank from a straw for almost a month
Well I did split off 3 speckled sussex from the grow out trying to lower the numbers in there...
so now with the blue copper marans was told I had a rooster named blue before okay well Marans will be BC then ... BC, 2 blue Cochin, 2 speckled sussex, one blue Andalusian mix and 1 EE all should fit the coop.. Okay have put my big girl panties on scraped the ceiling of spider webs :celebrateI hate spiders :celebratecleaned the table moved it buy the roost bar and took the step out of the main coop put it in at the table for the cochin
My husband doesn't do Novocaine either. Me, I'm telling the doctor to give me the syringe, fill it up and I'll inject myself. :lau I've had enough pain from my teeth and dental work that no way I'd go through grinding without optimum anesthetic.

The doctor did tell me something interesting. Their practice is down a doc and they can't get anyone to commit to rural medical practice. He said that they talked to two grad students from Stills university school of dentistry and they both told them that they were graduating with 450,000 dollars worth of school dept. So naturally they want to go where the big bucks are. And that ain't in small towns of 1500 people.

I mean can you imagine?!? We ran into that when we retired. DH talked to a grad from his college who told him he had over 250,000 in debt and was looking for work to pay it off, not buy a practice.

It does not bode well for rural health care.
My husband doesn't do Novocaine either. Me, I'm telling the doctor to give me the syringe, fill it up and I'll inject myself. :lau I've had enough pain from my teeth and dental work that no way I'd go through grinding without optimum anesthetic.

The doctor did tell me something interesting. Their practice is down a doc and they can't get anyone to commit to rural medical practice. He said that they talked to two grad students from Stills university school of dentistry and they both told them that they were graduating with 450,000 dollars worth of school dept. So naturally they want to go where the big bucks are. And that ain't in small towns of 1500 people.

I mean can you imagine?!? We ran into that when we retired. DH talked to a grad from his college who told him he had over 250,000 in debt and was looking for work to pay it off, not buy a practice.

It does not bode well for rural health care.
I’m with you, Micro - give me enough Novocain to numb my head, and enough gas to make me float. I have a fear of dentists, stemming back to my childhood. I had cavities all the time, and super sensitive teeth. The dentist would be drilling away, and when I told him it hurts, he’d say, “No it doesn’t”, and keep on drilling. I love my current dentist. I told him he can’t retire until I die. I didn’t tell him that my grandma lived to be 102, so he’s got 46 more years to work. (He’s about my age, I think. I’m not sure how he’s going to feel about that.)

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