One day I pulled up the house that I considered home when I was growing up on google earth. It was gone. Bull dozed, all the fruit trees that my family planted gone, all the shade trees gone. My building where I kept my horses, gone. All I had left were the memories. Pretty sad but in a way, the memories keep it alive in my mind. The way it was in it's grandeur. That's what's important.

Got my tooth fixed. I saw a different doc in the practice that we go to and he was great. It did have a cavity that he was able to clean out and refill the tooth. We had a nice long talk about teeth, aging, prolia, parents with crappy genes. I'm going to see him from now on. Cost wasn't bad, 311 dollars. Lot less than I was expecting so I'm good to go. Finally feeling my lower lip and not drooling all over my ice mint tea glass.
lucky, husband had to have a root canal while down here , found a dentist close by, ended up costing us about 3400.00 to have a root canal and the front teeth covered, seems he grinds his teeth
Bf paid about 3000 to have his last few teeth removed and dentures made
by the same denturist that did my wonderful set as I knew he would be healthier
and smile his wonderful smile more :hugs
husband only has his front teeth left, has had his backs gone for some time, hes one of those that have "soft"teeth he talked about having the rest pulled and getting dentures but one dentist gave him an estiment of over 10,000. and husband said no way will i spend that , hes always been " frugal"
One day I pulled up the house that I considered home when I was growing up on google earth. It was gone. Bull dozed, all the fruit trees that my family planted gone, all the shade trees gone. My building where I kept my horses, gone. All I had left were the memories. Pretty sad but in a way, the memories keep it alive in my mind. The way it was in it's grandeur. That's what's important.

Got my tooth fixed. I saw a different doc in the practice that we go to and he was great. It did have a cavity that he was able to clean out and refill the tooth. We had a nice long talk about teeth, aging, prolia, parents with crappy genes. I'm going to see him from now on. Cost wasn't bad, 311 dollars. Lot less than I was expecting so I'm good to go. Finally feeling my lower lip and not drooling all over my ice mint tea glass.

Don't get me started on dentists :( growing up I had many horrible experience with them and they don't like it when you have a really bad gag reflex :(
Before moving we spent a fortune getting our teeth worked on!!

morning, afternoon, whatever it is where you are :frow
Afternoon Sharron :frow

Doing great a afternoon all alone love the men my BF and the Son
but face it every now and then it is nice to be alone
I love my alone time :)
One day I pulled up the house that I considered home when I was growing up on google earth. It was gone. Bull dozed, all the fruit trees that my family planted gone, all the shade trees gone. My building where I kept my horses, gone. All I had left were the memories. Pretty sad but in a way, the memories keep it alive in my mind. The way it was in it's grandeur. That's what's important.

Got my tooth fixed. I saw a different doc in the practice that we go to and he was great. It did have a cavity that he was able to clean out and refill the tooth. We had a nice long talk about teeth, aging, prolia, parents with crappy genes. I'm going to see him from now on. Cost wasn't bad, 311 dollars. Lot less than I was expecting so I'm good to go. Finally feeling my lower lip and not drooling all over my ice mint tea glass.
I used to have dental work without novocaine because I would be numb all day. I hated it.
Don't get me started on dentists :( growing up I had many horrible experience with them and they don't like it when you have a really bad gag reflex :(
Before moving we spent a fortune getting our teeth worked on!!

Afternoon Sharron :frow

I love my alone time :)
me too sue, i only had the one bad experience but that was enough to keep me from going to a dentist until i was 17 and broke a jaw tooth off, then i had to go, that dentist gave me tranquilizers to take a half hour before seeing him, but he was always gentle with me and like you, bad, bad gagger but he never said a word, went to him til he retired, once a year when i came home, would call and he would fit me in as he could, now my dentist is in pa
On my last cup of the day after an 'afternoon pastroll'(dog thing-patrol+stroll).
With no dog now I can see the tracks left by other animals better...wish I could still tromp thru the woods, but now I just stick to the yard.
Everything's been dripping and re-freezing for days, funky foot's kept me couched but finally got all of it cleaned up today ready for the drop in temps and more snow on it's way.

Have lost 4 molars in the last 18 months, after 10 years with no dental care finally an abscess sent me to the local health department....nice folks, low costs. Am all fixed up for now, luckily can still chew OK. Getting old stinks, not golden here.

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