Good morning everyone :frow
Good Afternoon, Club!
It’s been a busy few days at school, and we took a little road trip to see GS/GD today. They’re about 2 1/2 hours from us (for now, but are moving back home - to the area, not our house - in the spring :ya:celebrate). On our way back home now. Next weekend we’re going to IA (3 1/2 hours) to visit the two GD and their parents and help them pack (or ride herd on the kids while the parents pack) to move in a couple of weeks. We might get to stay home the following weekend...

@Grammy60 - every time someone calls you Grammy, I almost answer. That’s what GS calls me.

@DobieLover - your dogs are beautiful! Unfortunately, the only Dobe I ever met belonged to a relative of a step dad I used to have, and I was always told (by the owners) to be careful, and watch out because it was a one person dog and would bite if I didn’t watch out.

I hope you’re all having a good weekend.
Morning and welcome :) all my grands call me Grammy :love

Good morning Coffee Club.
Coffee is on the stove.
It's strong enough to strip paint.
Looks like a lovely day coming on here.
Morning Shad :frow thanks for the fresh brew :) our weather is supposed to be around 55\60 today, so all the snow will be gone :D

morning y'all
i have so much to learn
wheres the ignore button?
morning Sharron :frow
morning y'all
i have so much to learn
wheres the ignore button?
You click on the persons user name then click on Ignore.
Sheesh, microchick. I'm glad you came out unscathed! How did the boys fair? Our oldest boys dog starts nonsense every couple weeks or so. I swear he has a bad day and let's loose :rolleyes:

Thanks, Nancy. She was looking for him when we went out to check. Ugh. I always wonder what they think.

Not a mark on either one of them, Meg, that is the really weird part. They are going at one another like there is no tomorrow, we break them up, no scratches, no punctures,a bit of lost hair, they cool down and everything is rosy between them.

Usually Diesel starts the squabble. He is wearing a training collar but we usually only have to use the vibrate mode on him to get his attention. He knows that if he doesn't stop the silliness, the next won't be a warning.

They can be arguing one minute and the next curled together asleep with their heads on one another's back. Just like brothers.

Morning all. Rain here this morning. So much for the sun we had yesterday. Anybody brewed any coffee?

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