Cockatiel with a hurt wing


Free Ranging
6 Years
Jun 14, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Hi there. My cockatiel fell off my shoulder last bight and now he is readjusting and grooming constantly. He screams when he thinks he’s going to fall so I’ve been trying to keep him very secure with me. We’ll take him to a vet if necessary but I want to see if you all had any opinions first. He’s resting right now and seems peaceful. The only time he starts freaking out is when he gets a bit off-balanced on my finger. He starts adjusting his wing once in a while. It seems like he’s more uncomfortable than in pain but birds are good at hiding things.
Thanks for your help.
Does he droop the injured wing? I would def take him to a vet. Sometimes if i's broken the bone will stick out. Did you look him over good?
Thanks for the advice everyone. :) We took him to the vet and turns out one of his large blood feathers was broken so they had to fix it. We couldn't have done it on our own though since we don't have the proper tools in case the feather kept bleeding. He's all better now and on pain and anti infection meds. The vets said that it was a good thing we brought him in because it could've been very serious if he had kept picking at it.

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