Cochin Thread!!!

Hi Mike! Glad to see you're still along for the ride!! I also just took the plunge and entered my first show last fall. Karen is correct, just find the main desk - they will give you directions. They want to encourage newcomers!! As far as shampooing, I washed mine first with Adams Flea & Tick Shampoo, followed by Dawn Dish soap. Did a regular rinse to remove the soap, then a rinse in water doused with a healthy splash of vinegar to cut the remaining soap film. Then one final rinse in clear water. Then on to the blow dryer! Enjoy the show!!
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First question...what shampoo is safe to use when bathing a chicken and is it safe to use a mild flea and tick shampoo
I didn't see this one answered, if so, I'm sorry, I'm going to answer it again. I use Seragant's Gold Fela and Tick Shampoo for Cats. I rise my birds in a vinegar and water mix to remove any excess soap I missed. If soap is missed, it will make the feathers dull.

ETA: Gail answered! That's what I get for skimming... ;)
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Thanx ladies I'm not planning on entering a show just yet Maybe before the Spring session is over But there is one the 8th of March and have been thinking about it pretty hard I got one that really needs a bath so here's the first place I thought of Now this weekend I get to give my first bath and see who gets the wettest Her or me So when I use the shampoo do I mix it with the water or put it on the bird and hold on to her while I wash her ? You gotta be kinda detailed with me Hey I'm old and not very comprehensive
Thanx again ladies and wish me good luck
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Thanx ladies I'm not planning on entering a show just yet Maybe before the Spring session is over But there is one the 8th of March and have been thinking about it pretty hard I got one that really needs a bath so here's the first place I thought of Now this weekend I get to give my first bath and see who gets the wettest Her or me So when I use the shampoo do I mix it with the water or put it on the bird and hold on to her while I wash her ? You gotta be kinda detailed with me Hey I'm old and not very comprehensive
Thanx again ladies and wish me good luck

I just started with a couple of inches of warm water in the sink to soak their feet and get them used to the water. Then slowly got the rest of them wet. Then just poured the shampoo directly on them and lathered. (Avoid their eyes!) There are also some great references to washing and show prep on the Education Page on the Cochins International website

Thanx Gail

Now that's a good detailed description of giving a chicken a bath That helps more than anything Details with pix a fantastic description Now to go look at CI and see what I can find Now I am waiting to hear about the human shampoo Maybe it will put a shine on their feathers
okay, ill start off with pictures of some of my bantams!
the boys

one of their ladies that has gone broody!

this is the hen that i have a question about! she is a buff orpington mix with a brown red cochin bantam. i have breed her to my birchen boys thinking i would hatch some colorful chicks. what all could she carry that would show up in her chicks?

showing off his feathers

these are the chicks that i have hatched from the orpington/cochin hen and my birchen boys.
what all colors o y'all think they will be? any guesses would be nice!

this one i think will just be birchen????

this one i have no clue about, but i am thinking same color as mom??

and this one i have no clue about either.
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Hello all! Not long ago I had bought three Cochins from an auction. One I gave to someone who knew what she was doing because it was looking a lot like a cockerel but main thing was the feet were severely frost biten. He is now doing SO good and feet are better. (I would LOVE to find out who put them in the auction in this condition! They were underweight, respiratory issues and the feet on two were frost biten.). So anyway the two I have kept I question the sex. I have seen the larger one fluff the neck feathers and he/she makes some cockerel noises when alarmed. So I wanted to see if you all could possibly tell me what you think these are. I don't know how old exactly, the auctioneer said 8 months but I question that. Here they are:

Above is the larger one that ruffles the neck feathers. Smaller one is behind this one.

Here is the smaller of the two. (Ignore the trash in the pen. That was left after that mornings breakfast treat and after the pic was removed.). I would appreciate any input as these two are very questionable. No crowing or eggs yet. I appreciate it!!!

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