Coat color change


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Figured this might be fun… if anybody even knows what I’m talking about 🤣🙈

You know how like some dog’s coats change so much growing up that someone might think it was a different dog if they compared? That type of thing. I’m curious. 🤣

I was originally thinking of sables since that’s the most common/drastic one but I’m sure there’s probably other colors that change too that I’m not thinking of so anything goes 🤣

I think silver might be one?

I just want to see those changes and coat progressions, etc. 😁
Dog groomer here. All the poodles, doodles, shih tzus, etc that I groom change color. Some more drastically than others. once when working at a salon we had to shave down a puppy that was very matted. Puppy coat was 1 color, adult coat underneath was completely different. The owner didn't want to take the dog at pick up because she didn't believe is was hers lol.
I might have some pictures of dogs before and after coat change but I'll have to dig into my photos. But generally speaking, all the red doodle puppies turn blonde. Most of the liver colored schnauzers turn quite silver. The clearing gene in poodles is dominant so most any poodle or poodle mix will clear to another color. Yorkies are supposed to turn from black and red to silver and tan.
The thing that still amazes me is how long it takes some of them to change. Sometimes not until they are 3 or 4 years old.
I see articles sometimes warning people about breeders dyeing puppies a different color to sell them and then the dogs change color. I just shake my head because all the pictures I've ever seen are normal color changes from puppy to adult coat lol. They can be really drastic.
Here is a really good example. This is the same dog as a puppy vs 2 years old.


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Huskies coat change too! I need to find pictures but, when we first got Shadow he had a dark black strip on his back. After the first grooming we took him to, which was like 3 months after we adopted him, I was convinced they cut his hair because it not only looked shorter but he had less black and more white on his back. After reading about it, Huskies coat can change with each shed.
Huskies coat change too! I need to find pictures but, when we first got Shadow he had a dark black strip on his back. After the first grooming we took him to, which was like 3 months after we adopted him, I was convinced they cut his hair because it not only looked shorter but he had less black and more white on his back. After reading about it, Huskies coat can change with each shed.
Yes, look up husky coats in summer vs winter. Their coats change quite a bit depending on the season. And also just from puppy to adult.
Also a p
I'll get some more pics for you when I get a chance. I have hundreds of doggo pics and honestly I sometimes forget who is who from puppy to adult because so many of them really do change drastically. Not to mention I have to get a new phone every year or 2 lol.
oh gosh lol it gets damaged grooming? 🤔😱 and maybe you could make albums for each dog so you’d remember?

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