Cleaning aquarium (empty)


9 Years
May 31, 2015
North Wales, UK
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone

We're having some work done at home which means we had to empty our aquarium (we have Lemon Tetra's, Cory Dora's and Assassin Snails) in a 245l tank. There's only 10 fishes in total so we have moved them to a 120l tank for the next few weeks. I did use the media from the larger filter in the smaller tank and also 50% of the water from the old tank so I'm hoping that will keep the bacteria levels up in the small tank but will test the water and change regularly as required.

We'd like to take the opportunity to scrub out the 245l tank (it's a bit smelly now that it's empty) but we weren't sure what would be safe to use?

Also - we always had an issue with brown algae previously though water tests never showed an obvious issues and the tank was never in direct sunlight. Do you think this would be caused by an issue with filtration?


ps fish are all sulking and hiding behind the scenery so here's a pic of a snail instead ...

The best thing in my opinion to use is those magic erasers (I'll add a link).
I'm a member on a fish forum and there was a lot of discussion over wether they were safe for fish and plants or not. We came to the conclusion that they are safe.
I use one once a week to scrub the glass and they work an absolute treat!

Too much light means lots of algae. 10 hours a day is sufficient.

I'll get a link for those erasers..
If you use magic eraser for cleaning the tank, make sure you rinse well afterwards. Using a bathroom scrubber on glass will work better, cause glass isn't a totally solid surface it has micro cracks and holes. The scrubber can reach in there. That's what I used when I kept an aquarium for 12 years.
I forgot to say that some erasers have chemicals in them. Make sure if you do get some that they are chemical free as the fish will most likely die otherwise. I've used magic erasers in my tanks for ages. No deaths as of yet.

As Tonyroo says, bathroom scrubbers also work really well.

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