Claws & Clans - a WarriorCats RP

Birchpool swished her tail over the moss, scowling at her herb stores. Yarrow she had, and oak leaf, and juniper berries and daisy leaves and lavender. But she didn't have feverfew, catmint, or marigold, and she was completely out of poppy seed.
"Cloudstar, may I go and collect herbs near Twolegplace? I'm out of so much," she added piteously, crossing her claws.
Shadeheart glanced at Rushwind
"A fox attacked us near the riverclan border." She explained, just as Shiningstar answered Ashenwing.
“You, her, Foxpelt, and Rushwind may go. Tell them to meet us at sunrise tonight on the the island. Do not seem threatening, but with these cats you should be able to defend yourself if anything happens.” He meowed.
Shadeheart grinned at Rushwind and they went to tell Foxpelt.
Rushwind kinked her tail in delight. Yes, some excitement!
"We'll shred that fox!" she exclaimed, boxing the air with her paws. "After the whole meeting thingy, of course," she put in quickly, for fear of reprimandation.
The kits were shocked, just staring at Stonekit, and trying to process what he just said. Suddenly Dawnkit started jumping around.
“We have powers! Were the coolest kits in the clans!” She shrieked, ecstatic. Suddenly, they heard a loud crack…
“What was that?” Said Shimmerkit cautiously.
The other kits shrugged, and another crack came, scaring them. Suddenly the open half of the log collapsed, and they were thrust into darkness.
The kits immediately began crying out for help, but no one noticed. After a few minutes of freaking out, Shimmerkit yelled,
“Stop it. They obviously won’t save us, we are going to have to save ourselves. Now let’s actually think. How do we get out?”
“Well, we could try digging!” Suggested Dawnkit. “We have webbed paws, it would scoop out dirt good!”
The others nodded and began digging..
“This is getting us no where!” Cried out Stonekit. “We need to think of something else.”
“Wait. What if we used our powers?” Suggested Dawnkit again.
“But we can’t control them yet. We don’t know how. What if we hurt someone?” Countered Shimmerkit.
“I agree with Dawnkit.” Meowed Stonekit. “That or we die alone in this log.”
Shimmerkit sighed, giving in.
Stonekit focused really hard, demanding for the collapsed wood to move. He wished and focused so hard his head began to hurt, and he began to shake. But a moment later, so did the wood. It shook, barely vibrating at first, but the shaking becoming increasingly more visible.
“It’s working,” whispered Dawnkit in awe. The sticks were now visibly moving, and a second later, they exploded outwards, freeing the kits. They ran out, relieved to be free, and shocked with what they know, and what Stonekit did. Suddenly Shimmerkit had an idea…
“Guys… you know how Peonypaw knew how we were about to go to the stream? Basically, predicting the future? What if… what if she has powers too?” Asked Shimmerkit.
“ oh your so right! We are going to be like a team of cats!” Agreed Dawnkit.
“Why don’t we ask her tomorrow? And we can tell her what I heard. But now let’s get to bed..” mewed Stonekit.
The kits ran to the apprentice den, early in the morning, hoping to catch Peonypaw before she went out, but Moonglow was already talking to her!
“Moonglow? Could we talk to Peonypaw?” Meowed Dawnkit importantly.
“Actually, I think we all need to talk to each other… about this power situation.”

The kits all sat down, shuffling their paws nervously.

“You do realize how incredibly dangerous this is, don’t you? This isn’t some game, Starclan is giving you powers for a reason.. for what, i don’t know yet.” Moonglow said with a hint of nervousness.

“Yes.. we know” said Shimmerkit

“It doesn’t seem like you do. Peonypaw was telling me you wanted to go to the river to find out Dawnkits power”

“Well.. it didn’t seem like a bad idea” dawnkit squeaked

”My point is, this is to be taken seriously. You‘re only kits. And Peonypaw.. you’re power is the most concerning..”

The kits lowered their head under Moonglows firm gaze, but she softened it, not meaning to come off as rude.

”Well, what are your powers?”

“I suppose.. seeing the future. Or, glimpses of it anyway” Peonypaw meowed

”I think growing plants..” Shimmerkit said

”Moving objects with my mind” replied Stonekit

Moonglow turned her gaze to Dawnkit, waiting for a response

”I.. haven’t gotten mine yet” she said

”I’m sure you will soon.“ Moonglow rested her tail tip on her shoulder as a form of comfort, but even Dawnkit could see she was concerned with something much deeper, and Peonypaw had the same grim expression
Sunpaw was hunting through the prey pile for something to snack on. Everheart was on Highledge with Fleetstar, watching the clan scamper about their duties. Cherryfall was sharing tongues with her sister, Flutterwing was half in, half out of the medicine den talking to Dovewing, and a cluster of cats were working on the warriors' den, repairing the hole where a branch had fallen through it last sunhigh. Everyone was happy - it was a warm day, especially for leaf-bare, and there was plenty of prey, so much that there was no need for any more hunting patrols. Ah! A squirrel, my favorite! Sunpaw fished the squirrel out and settled in a patch of grass to eat it. After her meal, maybe she'd ask Everheart if they could do some battle training. With a content purr, she tore into her squirrel. All was right with the clans.
Sunpaw was hunting through the prey pile for something to snack on. Everheart was on Highledge with Fleetstar, watching the clan scamper about their duties. Cherryfall was sharing tongues with her sister, Flutterwing was half in, half out of the medicine den talking to Dovewing, and a cluster of cats were working on the warriors' den, repairing the hole where a branch had fallen through it last sunhigh. Everyone was happy - it was a warm day, especially for leaf-bare, and there was plenty of prey, so much that there was no need for any more hunting patrols. Ah! A squirrel, my favorite! Sunpaw fished the squirrel out and settled in a patch of grass to eat it. After her meal, maybe she'd ask Everheart if they could do some battle training. With a content purr, she tore into her squirrel. All was right with the clans.
Rainpelt limped through camp, muttering obscenities under her breath. She ducked into the medicine den, stinging pains coming from her paw.
"Dovewing, mountainshine, can you help? I was chasing this giant squirrel and it led me right into a HUGE bramble patch, and now i've got the whole plant in my paw!" Rainpelt complained humorously.
Rainpelt limped through camp, muttering obscenities under her breath. She ducked into the medicine den, stinging pains coming from her paw.
"Dovewing, Mountainshine, can you help? I was chasing this giant squirrel and it led me right into a HUGE bramble patch, and now I've got the whole plant in my paw!"
Sunpaw spotted Rainpelt limping into camp, and ran to see what was wrong just in time to miss her complaining to Dovewing and Mountainshine. "Hey Rainpelt, you ok? What happened?" she asked.
Rainpelt turned.
Rainpelt limped through camp, muttering obscenities under her breath. She ducked into the medicine den, stinging pains coming from her paw.
"Dovewing, mountainshine, can you help? I was chasing this giant squirrel and it led me right into a HUGE bramble patch, and now i've got the whole plant in my paw!" Rainpelt complained humorously.
Mountainshine went over to Rainpelt, giving her shoulder for some support.

“You’ll feel a little pain..” Mountainshine said, licking the paw before she pulled out the thorn

”Ow! You said a little pain, that was awful!” Exclaimed Rainpelt

“Here.” Said Dovewing as she applied some moss to stop the bleeding. She chewed up a poultrice and gently applied it to the paw, wrapping the wound in cobwebs”

“Better?” Dovewing asked

“That feels, better.. thank you” Rainpelt said to Mountainshine and Dovewing as she limped out of the den
Sunpaw spotted Rainpelt limping into camp, and ran to see what was wrong just in time to miss her complaining to Dovewing and Mountainshine. "Hey Rainpelt, you ok? What happened?" she asked.
Rainpelt turned.
Rainpelt winced and waved her tail. "I ran through the BIGGEST bramble patch you ever saw trying to catch a squirrel.
Mountainshine went over to Rainpelt, giving her shoulder for some support.

“You’ll feel a little pain..” Mountainshine said, licking the paw before she pulled out the thorn

”Ow! You said a little pain, that was awful!” Exclaimed Rainpelt

“Here.” Said Dovewing as she applied some moss to stop the bleeding. She chewed up a poultrice and gently applied it to the paw, wrapping the wound in cobwebs”

“Better?” Dovewing asked

“That feels, better.. thank you” Rainpelt said, to Mountainshine and Dovewing as she limped out of the den
"Thanks, Mountainshine, Dovewing!" Rainplet called over her shoulder. The poultice felt really weird, like having clouds on her paw.
Dovewing organized some of the herbs as Mountainshine walked over

”You did a good job. You did it quick, too.”

Dovewing smiled from the praise of her mentor as she went back to organizing.

”Why don’t you go out and get some cobwebs? I think we’re running low” Mountainshine said

”Okay” Dovewing went out to look for some, though she could really use a break. She’s been organizing all day, but she knew it’d be rude to ask.

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