Chocolate gene linkages?

Surely you realize it is not all that simple........I ask because I don't understand and I have seriously reached out for answers, here and elsewhere. Thanks though for being here and helping as you do. šŸ„°
I've picked up bits and pieces about the chocolate gene from various places.

Here's what I've found out:

Two genes can make "chocolate" color. Both of them affect black, but they have little or no effect on red/gold shades.

One of those genes is at the Dominant White locus. It is an incompletely dominant gene. One copy of the gene makes a "chocolate" color that is also called dun.
Two copies of the gene make a paler color, sometimes called khaki.
So it is not possible to get true-breeding "chocolate" chickens with this gene, just like Blue Andalusian chickens cannot breed true for the "blue" color.
I think this gene is typically called khaki or dun, but the color it produces is sometimes called "chocolate."

The other "chocolate" gene is the one I was asking about. It seems to actually be called chocolate.
It's on the sex chromosome, and is recessive. So a chocolate rooster bred to a not-chocolate hen will produce chocolate daughters and sons that carry chocolate. A chocolate hen bred to a not-chocolate rooster will produce sons that carry chocolate, and daughters that have no chocolate at all.
True-breeding chocolates are possible with this gene.

The sex chromosome has quite a few genes on it, and some of them are clearly linked together while some of the others are so far apart that they assort independently. Barring and gold/silver do not act linked to each other, but slow/fast feathering is closely linked to gold/silver, while dark/light feet is linked to barring.

So my question (that started this thread) was whether the sex-linked chocolate gene was also linked to any of the other genes on the sex chromosome. Nicalandia says it is not. For breeding purposes, that makes it much easier to introduce to new breeds and varieties.

Both of those genes are in the chicken genetics calculator, if you like to play with it:\

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