Chicksplosion! New chicks!


Jun 26, 2018
Easley, SC
Yes I couldn't contain myself so I ordered chicks and had eggs in the incubator so we have 30 chicks right now! EEEk! I love those fuzzy butts! I went for breeds I hadn't had before. I've had RIRs, sex-links and such mostly in the past and long before that bantams that were in assorted breeds, but in full size it's always just been red production birds really. So I chose to try some new stuff.

So from Hoover I wanted to add to the BLRW knowing that it would be a long shot to have a good enough bird for the breeding program, but even if none meet the requirements they can go into the laying flock. I ordered 3 straight run from Hoover. I've also really really wanted Sapphire Gems so I ordered 3, and last I wanted to try out Faverolles. I chose to get a rooster and 3 pullets. Mainly due to the sweet nature, I figured as beautiful as the roosters are it wouldn't hurt to have one, but they sent me 2. To fill out the order and not tack on a fee for being under 15, I added 5 production pack pullets and they sent 3 Isa Browns, a Barred Rock and a Brown Leghorn. I didn't expect any white egg layers and really wanted some so I ordered chicks from Ideal on the same day. 3 California Whites, 3 Brown Leghorns and 3 Black Australorps. All breeds I haven't had before. So that tallied us up to 25 chicks. They're two weeks old.



For the eggs, they're BLRW too from eBay, mostly to test out the incubator and we got 5 healthy chicks from a dozen jumbled eggs. I haven't snapped any pictures of them. :D I am definitely blue-crazed and BLRW are so darn cute! Here's more photos of the BLRW chicks.

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