
Of course, for a little while... maybe for the first week or two of their lives, but then you'd have to move them into something bigger. Remember that they also need places to get away from their heat source.
What mysunwolf said.

I use an EcoGlow brooder/heater in a 54 gallon tote, which gives them the WHOLE tote in which to move; they just go under the ecoglow to warm up, and then come out from under it once warmed up, just like a momma hen. (Brinsea sells these - I swear by them because there is NO heat lamp to adjust, a whole lot less electricity is used than heat lamps, and the chicks don't have to deal with light shining on them 24 hours a day.

And I've raised as many as 28 standard sized chicks with an EcoGlow 20, but I've also used the larger EcoGlow50 for larger numbers of chicks.

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