Chickens sneezing, eye infections...


5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
I have a flock of around 200 layers. The last time I bought birds was in July, and they seemed healthy. But now I'm seeing a lot of sneezing, runny noses, and bubbly eyes. Some eyes are swelled shut. I've found two dead chickens in the past two days, who seemed perfectly normal. I quarantined the ones with bubbly eyes. What is going on and what can I do?!
Sounds like a rather virulent respiratory disease. I'd strongly recommend speaking with a vet, since your losses could be massive considering the size of your flock.

Good luck.
I hope I can find somebody that will look at them. It's hard to find a chicken vet out here.
Good luck with that. You could try the infected chickens with antibiotics if you can't find anyone to assist. Were they vaccinated? If so, what against? That might help you rule certain things out (though not necessarily).


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