Chickens rescued by Lifeboat Crew!

Jenni Hen

Aug 8, 2022
Malton, York, England
Not a common problem for BYC keepers, thank goodness...
Some coastal parts of England are prone to erosion, and in some places the houses are affected and lost as the cliffs get ever closer. Outbuildings fall onto the beach or into the sea.
A couple of days ago, the high tides caused a lot of damage to the cliffs, with 1- 2m of land lost overnight in places.
The lifeboat crew were busy making things safe for the public - and for some lucky (or unlucky?) chickens!

BBC report:

Kevin Fenn, one of the lifeboat crew members who found the chickens, said: "We were walking along, checking the bungalows, as we were instructed to do, and we got to the end one and spotted the shed was hanging over the cliff.
"We went to observe what was in the cage and Stewie said 'I think there's some chickens in there' and we went and had a quick look and there were."
He said another 10 minutes and the birds would have been in the water as the shed fell over while they were there.
Not a common problem for BYC keepers, thank goodness...
Some coastal parts of England are prone to erosion, and in some places the houses are affected and lost as the cliffs get ever closer. Outbuildings fall onto the beach or into the sea.
A couple of days ago, the high tides caused a lot of damage to the cliffs, with 1- 2m of land lost overnight in places.
The lifeboat crew were busy making things safe for the public - and for some lucky (or unlucky?) chickens!

BBC report:

Kevin Fenn, one of the lifeboat crew members who found the chickens, said: "We were walking along, checking the bungalows, as we were instructed to do, and we got to the end one and spotted the shed was hanging over the cliff.
"We went to observe what was in the cage and Stewie said 'I think there's some chickens in there' and we went and had a quick look and there were."
He said another 10 minutes and the birds would have been in the water as the shed fell over while they were there.

That was a close call!

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