Chickens Possible Eating Duck Eggs

saving grace

Loving Life
Premium Feather Member
Feb 2, 2021
I think my chickens  may be eating all my duck eggs. :(

I've only got one duck laying currently, but previously she was laying 6-7 eggs per week. She'd lay very early, and we'd always find them laying somewhere in the coop. About a week ago she layed right outside the coop door in the snow, and when I saw it I fed the flock before picking it up. A chicken must have pecked it in curiosity and found the insides, since multiple hens were running around eating it when I came back.

Just for some background, my hens have definitely tasted eggs before since some of my RSL hens in the past have had reproductive issues and layed shell-less eggs. It was obvious other hens were eating it when they went to lay. (I have since culled my RSLs who were having such horrible egg issues, and I know to never buy RSLs again; very inhumane from my experience.)

Anyway, in the past week or so since the chickens ate the egg I've only found one duck egg and it was in the coop. It sure sounds to me like the chickens found an easy treat in the duck eggs, but maybe it's something else? If they are eating them, is there anything I can do to prevent it?
I'd separate the duck to verify that she is laying and blow out a few eggs and fill with yellow dish soap to break them of that habit
I'll definitely try this, thanks for the idea!

I can't believe more people don't have this same issue. Duck eggs are such an easy treat for chickens. :( I guess most people do keep their ducks in a seperate area, though.
My chickens are now eating their own eggs in their nesting boxes. :barnieI'm pretty sure at least two hens are doing it. I'm going to try the golf ball trick and blow out some eggs, hopefully it works.
K, the hens are most definitely eating the duck eggs. I tried giving them a blown out egg filled with soap. They immediately hoarded around it and starting eating it. They didn't seem to mind the soap one bit. So... should I try with mustard maybe? I'm doubting it will work, but what else can I do?

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