Chickens keep getting cocci


Mar 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
My serama pullet (5 months old) died yesterday morning from what I think was cocci. She showed no signs the day before and we found her rolled over in the coop the next morning. We brought her inside and gave her some corid but she died 20 minutes later.

Just last month my silkie pullet got cocci, and the month before that my serama cockerel had it too. Luckily, we caught it early and they survived. This is our first death. Why do my birds keep getting it? I don't want to lose any more.

I doubt the one that died had coccidiosis. It doesn't cause sudden death.
It is very rare for new bouts of the disease once they've been exposed unless they keep moving to new areas where new strains will be encountered.
Once exposed and survive, they are resistant.
Your best bet is to get a necropsy. Otherwise it is a guess.
Here's your state lab.
Animal Health Diagnostic Center
240 Farrier Road
College of Vet Med, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853
Phone: 607-253-4271 Fax: 607-253-3943
I doubt the one that died had coccidiosis. It doesn't cause sudden death.
It is very rare for new bouts of the disease once they've been exposed unless they keep moving to new areas where new strains will be encountered.
Once exposed and survive, they are resistant.
Your best bet is to get a necropsy. Otherwise it is a guess.
Here's your state lab.
Animal Health Diagnostic Center
240 Farrier Road
College of Vet Med, Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853
Phone: 607-253-4271 Fax: 607-253-3943

x2. Even small chicks have symptoms and can recover with treatment. Unless your birds have been moved a lot, they should have immunity to their environment. Something else is going on.
That's very odd. All the other birds seem fine as of now but I couldn't bear to lose another one. It'll be difficult to get a necropsy done since we already buried the bird.

Any guesses?

I also wanted to add that she was breathing through her mouth before she died. Is Sudden Death Syndrome possible? I hear that's common in Seramas.
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It could be lots of things.
Sudden death in mature birds can be from the following listed from the most common to least common.
Marek's, gout, colibacillosis, campylobacteriosis, ascites, lymphoid leucosis,
Fatty liver syndrome, streptococcosis, botulism, cholera, choking, pesticide poison.
Anaphylactic shock, listeriosis, erysipelas, malaria, bluecomb, aflatoxicosis, necrotic dermatitis.
Newcastle, influenza.

Don't overlook poisoning, bad food or gout.

Sudden death syndrome can be in broilers from 1-12 weeks of age. Extended neck, squawking, wing beating flipping onto back.
In laying hens, cloacal tissue protrudes through the vent.
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