Chickens and fleas

Some fleas respond better to different medications. Frontline is good, but I find that Advantage works better. Fleas actually live in the environment (carpet, couch, bark and dirt outside). They only jump on their host, your dog is this case, to feed and lay eggs. The fleas must come into contact with the dog after you put Frontline on it in order for the chemicals to kill them. If you put your dog in the garage, the fleas that were living in the house were not killed by the Frontline treatment.

Flea eggs need a fair amount of humidity to hatch. You an sprinkle a desiccant on the carpet to prevent them from hatching. This will do wonders for your flea problem. I recommend using Borax soap. It is not harmful to you or animals. You can buy it in a box in the laundry section at the store for about $5 - 10. Sprinkle it all over the carpets and leave it for a couple of days and then vacuum it up. All of the flea eggs that are in the carpet should not be able to hatch.

I wish you luck. We had a HORRIBLE flea season last year because of mild temperatures and a ton of rain. I'm hoping for a better year this year since this winter has been wicked cold where I live. I'm keeping my Borax and Advantage handy!

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