Chicken won't walk

After the research and such i think it might be.  But the sting concerns me, she was fine before then.  I didnt see anything on the disease that says that their eggs if they produce any yet are not good anymore?  I dont think she is laying any but not sure?  And if it is this disease it will spread is what I got...not good...not ready for this.

One day at a time. You're there and you can see every nuance of character of your little bird that's making you think mareks. I think you should trust yourself and keep it or cull it if need be. No one will think poorly of you, it's not giving up. It's a hard choice sometimes and once in a while you'll be wrong but that's just how it is sometimes. Stewardship of creatures is a hard job.
Thank you for saying that. I can't even kill a bee that is in my house or a spider walking on my wall. Those are God's creatures, not mine to kill. I can't think about killing her until I know its hurting her or she is dying. Like you said one day at a time and I will. My concern is that it will spread to the other chickens or my kids who hold and clean out the coop. I have not read anything about it spreading to people, but to other chickens by their dander. I am in no means a farmer, just a lady with a family trying to start a homestead. No one ever told me this would be easy or did they tell me I would loose so many ;(
Thank you for saying that.  I can't even kill a bee that is in my house or a spider walking on my wall.  Those are God's creatures, not mine to kill.  I can't think about killing her until I know its hurting her or she is dying.  Like you said one day at a time and I will.  My concern is that it will spread to the other chickens or my kids who hold and clean out the coop.  I have not read anything about it spreading to people, but to other chickens by their dander.  I am in no means a farmer, just a lady with a family trying to start a homestead.  No one ever told me this would be easy or did they tell me I would loose so many ;(
I understand. There's a whole lot of people rooting for you. Part of managing your flock is removing potential hazards and mareks is no joke. If the rest of the flock wasent immunized then it could travel and it's not very forgiving. If you believe that it's just the string and she could recover then maybe hold off. What happens when you rub her leg? If you rub where the string was does she try to get away which will indicate that it hurts? Hurts is good, then you know her nerves are not damaged. Is there anything specific that's leading you to mareks?
I am sad to say she is gone. I do believe it was Mareks, she had all the symptoms. Now have to google what to do to protect the rest of them. We just cleaned out their hay in their coop yesterday so I think we might have to do it again today. Anything I can spray to kill some bacteria?

Thank you everyone for your words of kindness and support.
I am sad to say she is gone.  I do believe it was Mareks, she had all the symptoms.  Now have to google what to do to protect the rest of them.  We just cleaned out their hay in their coop yesterday so I think we might have to do it again today.  Anything I can spray to kill some bacteria?

Thank you everyone for your words of kindness and support.
If you could take the carcass for testing to be sure that would be your best bet, if not I would probably burn it and destroy the bacteria that may be present.
Very sorry for your loss. Hopefully it was not Mareks. The Mareks virus is in dust and dander which can be pretty much anywhere. You just cannot disinfect for Mareks unfortunately. Wild birds can carry it into the environment. I hope none of your other chickens get sick.
Thank you Eggcessive. I never heard of Mareks before I just happen to google her symptoms and that is what came up. We have 3 baby chickens, well they are our babies they are 5 months old and the other chickens are well not sure, I got them from a huge farm that had over 800 of them stuffed into one small farm, i think they are almost 2, i hope they can fight it if they get it.

Thank you again everyone for the kind words and encouragement. I sure do appreciate it
Thank you Eggcessive.  I never heard of Mareks before I just happen to google her symptoms and that is what came up.  We have 3 baby chickens, well they are our babies they are 5 months old and the other chickens are well not sure, I got them from a huge farm that had over 800 of them stuffed into one small farm, i think they are almost 2, i hope they can fight it if they get it.

Thank you again everyone for the kind words and encouragement.  I sure do appreciate it
Well it's hopeful if your other birds are older, they may have developed an immunity over thier life time. Best of luck

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