chicken vomiting (yes I know they don't vomit, but yellow stuff came out of his beak)


8 Years
Oct 27, 2011
Timmonsville, South Carolina
Im going to go into some detail so someone can help and I cover all my bases.

I have 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes that are 9 weeks old. I hatched them myself.
They have had runny poo since they were born. Sometimes its a little more solid.

I was concerned about their poo and posted last week and someone recommended another forum that had pics of chicken poo and what they were doing seemed normal.

I talked to a chicken guy at Tractor Supply, he recommended Duramyacin. I put some in their water two days ago.

Today I go out and there are a whole bunch of feathers on the ground and one of my roos threw up.
Well yellow stuff came out of his beak.

I had just changed their water and gave them fresh with vitamins in it so the water is yellow too.

I still have them on medicated chick feed, chick grit, and my hubby just started throwing them some scratch about a week ago.

They all seem to pant a lot. Beaks open while breathing.

I am fairly new to chickens and this may not even be anything I should be concerned about, but I feel like I need some advice here.

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