Chicken swollen between legs and under vent....


Jul 18, 2018
Not sure what’s going on here any ideas??
We soaked her in a warm bath and cleaned her bottom off, her vent keeps opening and closing like she’s wanting to poop. She’s still eating and drinking and walking around grazing in yard. I started Corrid yesterday because she was standing around and not looking good. But better today but she looks like this.


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Not sure what’s going on here any ideas??
We soaked her in a warm bath and cleaned her bottom off, her vent keeps opening and closing like she’s wanting to poop. She’s still eating and drinking and walking around grazing in yard. I started Corrid yesterday because she was standing around and not looking good. But better today but she looks like this.
I have her in a cage alone with food and water now have her a warm bath.
How old is this girl?
Does that swelling feel fluid filled?
When did she last lay an egg?
She’s @2 feels squishy I have no idea I have all brown egg layers so I’m not sure when they lay she’s been out and about all day but when I saw this now she’s alone in a cage now with clean bedding and food and water.
She’s @2 feels squishy I have no idea I have all brown egg layers so I’m not sure when they lay she’s been out and about all day but when I saw this now she’s alone in a cage now with clean bedding and food and water.
It sounds like she has ascites or water belly. Give this a read.
It can be drained to give her some relief.
This is a video showing how to do it.
Yes, it appears that she has an enlarged abdomen that may be full of fluid. I have had a few marans hens who had that large lower belly. It is usually from ascites (fluid from liver disease,) internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis. I have one remaining hen who has this, and she halso has eggy looking droppings. She gets around fine, and the others that I have had lived a year or two with those symptoms. Draining fluid might relieve some pressure, but I never did that to my hens. Many times, we don’t know exactly what is going on until after they die when we do a necropsy and open them up. If you decide to drain her, ascites fluid is yellow normally.
It sounds like she has ascites or water belly. Give this a read.
It can be drained to give her some relief.
This is a video showing how to do it.
This is the second one to have this this summer we’ve never had it in the last 4 years she might be 3 the one before her was 4 and we had to put her down she quit eating and drinking
The video she took a lot of fluid off her chicken I’ve also read if you take too much you can send them into shock any idea how much fluid to remove?
The video she took a lot of fluid off her chicken I’ve also read if you take too much you can send them into shock any idea how much fluid to remove?
I'm sorry, no, I don't.
She does mention that in the video. She unfortunately also posts another video not long after she posted the above video showing her doing a necropsy on the same bird. She was full of lash material in her abdominal cavity as she'd been internally laying. There is nothing to be done for this other than keep the bird comfortable then euthanize when quality of life becomes poor.

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