Chicken spitting up blood!


In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2019
My almost year old hen suddenly fell sick recently and today i brought her inside to keep her away from the flock and to cool down. I placed her infront of the a/c for 30 mins or so and moved her to the window sill. While doing so, i had her in my arms as she puked up a few drops of dark blood onto the floor. She doesn't poop as often as she usually should, and when she does, it's yellow. She won't drink or eat, and has droopy eyes. Does she have ILT?? :hit
Can you take her to a vet?

Photos of her and the poop may be helpful.

Look inside her beak to see if you can tell where the blood is coming from - injury, swallowing something metal, etc.

Do you have a history of ILT in your flock?
ILT is a respiratory disease - you haven't noticed coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. have you?
Vomiting blood is definitely a bad sign. Could she have eaten something sharp that has cut her insides, or eaten rat poison (or a poisoned rat?) ILT the disease @Wyorp Rock asked about, causes coughing up of bloody mucus. Any symptoms of a respiratory disease? Please post pictures of the yellow poop and the bloody vomit. Also consider seeing a vet today. Sorry about your chicken.
Can you take her to a vet?

Photos of her and the poop may be helpful.

Look inside her beak to see if you can tell where the blood is coming from - injury, swallowing something metal, etc.

Do you have a history of ILT in your flock?
ILT is a respiratory disease - you haven't noticed coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. have you?

I have never had any history of ILT in my flock, and she isn't showing a lot of signs for respiratory problems, other than the blood. Sadly there are no vets that treat poultry birds near me. She only spits up blood when she is held downward slightly.
Glad that you haven’t seen any respiratory signs. How does her crop feel—empty and flat, partly full, hard soft, or puffy? I would be careful not to massage her crop or hold her downward. Is she eating and drinking anything? Did you have any rat poison in the area? Some kinds can cause bleeding if eaten, or if a poisoned mouse is eaten. Vitamin K is used to counteract that. Unfortunately, many chickens will eat nails, staples, and screws, or glass that may cut the insides. I hope that she survives.
Vomiting blood is definitely a bad sign. Could she have eaten something sharp that has cut her insides, or eaten rat poison (or a poisoned rat?) ILT the disease @Wyorp Rock asked about, causes coughing up of bloody mucus. Any symptoms of a respiratory disease? Please post pictures of the yellow poop and the bloody vomit. Also consider seeing a vet today. Sorry about your chicken.
How is she doing?
She hasn't spit up any more blood, and i got her to eat a few bites of scrambled eggs. She seems fine for the post part, just tired. Although i am keeping her inside over night and when you walk past her there is a noticeable stench coming from her. I've been giving her probiotics in her water. Her crop feels half full, mushy. There are a few barn mice that have been seen in the coop, but my family had never poisoned them, and they seem to stay around the back of the coop. Should i get vitamin K for her?
She hasn't spit up any more blood, and i got her to eat a few bites of scrambled eggs. She seems fine for the post part, just tired. Although i am keeping her inside over night and when you walk past her there is a noticeable stench coming from her. I've been giving her probiotics in her water. Her crop feels half full, mushy. Should i get vitamin K for her?
Have you tried to figure out where the stench is coming from - her beak, her vent? Have you checked her over really well for any wounds that may be hidden underneath feathers?
Do you have any photos of her?

I would offer her the water and check her crop first thing in the morning to see if it's empty.

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