Chicken seems as if she can't breath

Chicken Egg 17

Dec 11, 2015
McVeytown PA
I have a chicken who I am curing from sour crop and she was recovering fine. Her face was turning back to its normal color her crop was emptying and then last night she was eating and I am wondering if she didn't get food in her lungs. But I don't know what to do for her or if there is anything I can do for her I hate to see her suffer though. Please help me. Thanks in advance
Baytril is what I'd give her in terms of antibiotics. It is however banned for use in Chickens by the FDA. However you'll find most here on BYC WILL still use it if it will save our precious hens. I had some that was for my dog to whom it kills his appetite and had to be switched to something else and so I have a full bottle and now I'm having to use it on my two hens for an issue as well. So if you can find someone, perhaps a friend or anyone with animals that could maybe have some of this from one of their pets they didn't use, I'd say run and get it. Otherwise there are other antibiotics out there for this but sadly I'm really not that well versed on what is for what?? I know sulfa is also given to chickens but you'll need to look up for what use exactly it's given??? It's usually called SMZ or SMZ TMP I believe. Bactrim is yet another form of it or Septra. These are all sulfa drugs you might have been given at some time maybe and still have some??? That's the very best I can tell you. I hope you can find something to give your baby to fix things. Don't give up on her.. You'd be surprised at what they can do!!! Mine has been on deaths door and with meds such as these, tube feeding with lots of nutrition and vitamins I've pulled her through twice!!! Best of luck to you!!!
Yes but I live out in the country land so I don't have very fast access to a store that sells stuff like that so what I have is what will almost have to work.
Oh I see. My that really is tough. I'm a city girl born and raised so I've not experienced this other form of living, though I'm certain I've really missed SO much by not having lived the country life!!! Maybe one day!!! Anyways you can use aquarium tubing to tube feed if you happen to have any of that?? Any thin tubing will work really as long as it has a small opening in the end for the formula to pass. You can basically just make your own formula then also by just pureeing whatever you have around the house that would be nutritious to the hen. Once mine started eating I gave her all kinds of things to keep her going such as canned or fresh cooked veggies of a variety so she'd get alot of different things in her diet. I gave her mashed up potatoes to help get some weight on her fast. I gave her cooked plain rice and pasta. All this with the veggies and fruits also BTW.... She would actually just eat all this cause it was AFTER I'd gotten her eating again AFTER tubing her a few days!!! But all this can just be pureed in a food processor or a blender and then thinned out with water or better yet you can make a batch of homemade electrolytes with just water, sugar, salt and I think baking soda.. Google it and it'll tell you how much of each to put. I'd use that to thin out and make liquid the puree with all these foods in it and try either tubing her IF you find some kind of tubing to use, otherwise she may just like it and eat it on her own OR you can just try feeding her little by little just putting some in her beak but make sure it's not liquidy if you do that so as not to get it in her lungs. That's the best I can tell you. But nutrition is the utmost important!!! If you don't get nutrients in her she will perish for certain. So I'd do something of the sort before anything else. Good luck to you!!! Just get creative if nothing else.. Lol
Yes I love the country on our whole street there is probably only maybe 15 houses and our street is about 2.5 miles long and so peaceful. I have gave her some of the antibiotic and mixed it with some water she seems to be a bit better and she has ate a little. She is now once again drinking. So I think she has perked up a bit and I will try to get some nutrition in her thanks for all the help. The town you are in we are 15.55 hours away our neighbors daughter lives down in Florida. But anyways I will get out the blender and make her sort of like a smoothy out of some things around here thanks again
Oh I see. My that really is tough. I'm a city girl born and raised so I've not experienced this other form of living, though I'm certain I've really missed SO much by not having lived the country life!!! Maybe one day!!! Anyways you can use aquarium tubing to tube feed if you happen to have any of that?? Any thin tubing will work really as long as it has a small opening in the end for the formula to pass. You can basically just make your own formula then also by just pureeing whatever you have around the house that would be nutritious to the hen. Once mine started eating I gave her all kinds of things to keep her going such as canned or fresh cooked veggies of a variety so she'd get alot of different things in her diet. I gave her mashed up potatoes to help get some weight on her fast. I gave her cooked plain rice and pasta. All this with the veggies and fruits also BTW.... She would actually just eat all this cause it was AFTER I'd gotten her eating again AFTER tubing her a few days!!! But all this can just be pureed in a food processor or a blender and then thinned out with water or better yet you can make a batch of homemade electrolytes with just water, sugar, salt and I think baking soda.. Google it and it'll tell you how much of each to put. I'd use that to thin out and make liquid the puree with all these foods in it and try either tubing her IF you find some kind of tubing to use, otherwise she may just like it and eat it on her own OR you can just try feeding her little by little just putting some in her beak but make sure it's not liquidy if you do that so as not to get it in her lungs. That's the best I can tell you. But nutrition is the utmost important!!! If you don't get nutrients in her she will perish for certain. So I'd do something of the sort before anything else. Good luck to you!!! Just get creative if nothing else.. Lol

Ok I am getting ready to take the antibiotic out to her again and I haven't got the stuff mixed yet for her to eat but I will get so,e stuff out for her here soon. She seemed better a bit after I gave her he meds. But then after a while she seemed miserable again.

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