Chicken SAE - FFA


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2018
Southeast Arkansas
My name is Alexandra and I am looking to sell eating eggs as a Supervised Agricultural Experience (an outside of class project to earn a state degree) for FFA. I currently have 7 hens (3 leghorn, 2 golden comet, 2 sex-links). All are chicks. About how many hens would it take to make a profit and have a successful SAE? Any tips appreciated!!
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:yesss: We are glad you joined this flock!
Jump right in and make yourself at home.
You need to check your local area's see what eggs are selling for first.
What dose SAE mean? :oops:
This video will help you learn how to navigate this site:

Coop Ideas:
Chicken Coops

BYC has an APP!
I agree with Diva and Pork Pie,

I have no idea how you would make egg selling profitable.

I sell all extra eggs.... No way does it even cover the feed bill.

selling chicks makes more money... but NOT a profit... just less loss. :lau

Welcome to BYC!

Best of luck with earning your degree and thanks for joining us!

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