Chicken/quail hybrid???



6 Years
Oct 5, 2013
Derby, CT
I was looking on ebay for hatching quail eggs and found this:
Someone is selling chicken/quail hybrid hatching eggs! I would love to bid on them but I want to make sure this is real. Has anyone had quail hybrids before? Pictures would be great!
Personally I would avoid it. The reason being is that the seller is saying that the breeding happens by natural process, the only proven coturnix-chicken hybirds I have seen have been inseminated. All he has to do is not guarantee the hatch due to shipping concerns and send you any old coturnix egg since he supposedly has an easter egger bantam roo covering a coturnix hen. Even if he is getting hybrids by natural breeding there is no way the process is safe/humane for the quail, and that is leaving out the fact that chickens carry diseases that are often fatal to quail.

Here is some reading on the insemination subject. The fertility rate of inseminated eggs was low. The hatch rate was even lower. And this guy is selling "hybrids" that supposedly happen through natural cover? I'm skeptical to say the least.
Yeah that sounds pretty snake oily to me. For me even if they are the real thing I don't like the idea of the breeding process, if inseminated i'd feel better about it, but a chicken covering a quail isn't something I'm interested in seeing or promoting.

Should anyone reading this thread decide to purchase these eggs please do let us know the outcome for knowledge's sake.
Oh you people! It is impossible to create a chicken/quail hybrid as they are different species and cannot interbreed. You cannot breed a human with a chimpanzee. Hybrid animals are genetically similar. Quails and chicken are not genetically compatible and will produce dud eggs, if mated. It is a bloody scam. The seller probably has a bag of magical beans too. I am shocked that 1 person bid on the item.
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Oh you people! It is impossible to create a chicken/quail hybrid as they are different species and cannot interbreed. You cannot breed a human with a chimpanzee. Hybrid animals are genetically similar. Quails and chicken are not genetically compatible and will produce dud eggs, if mated. It is a bloody scam. The seller probably has a bag of magical beans too. I am shocked that 1 person bid on the item.

I am very curious about hybrids so I looked it up - never seen one myself but apparently since chicken and quail are in the same "super family", it's possible for them to breed but with an extremely low (or even nil) hatching rate - I never knew! :D

Only read this excerpt but skimmed a few other papers on the subject - doesn't seem to be the nicest thing for the birds though :hmm

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