Chicken Posioning?

Shalom Farm

6 Years
Nov 23, 2013
I haven't been active for a while-long story. But right before I had to shut my internet off for repairs to the home a very strange thing happened to one of the flocks on a separate property.

The Property:

10 acres-8 cleared -2 wooded. There is about 1/8 of a mile away a very large spring that seeps up through the ground half the year into about a 5 acre spring pond. The property is usually neat as a pin. There are four breeding coups, all kept spotless, auto feeders, waterers, etc. To the left of me is a farmer who raises sheep and goats. To the right a person who raises horses, chickens, and goats. Behind me is a private club/ritzy hangout with trails, golf, etc. So its not very busy or sub-urban where people are around.

The birds show signs similar to Mereks. The have bloody stool, some had trouble breathing. They usually died quickly after showing signs. 1 day to 14 days for some adults. They were otherwise very healthy. Big, robust, bright eyed, sleek and shiny birds! I cut one open finally, after the vet ruled out everything on the list.

The intestine of the bird was riddled with blisters and bleeding. Some lungs looked similar but not all of them. It affected all my birds of all ages without mercy.

My vet said to consider poisoning. We've had only 1 animal die of poisoning when someone, for whatever reason, decided to feed a broodmare an unknown chemical. This has similar-but not matching, side affects as with the chickens. I haven't found anyone on the property that shouldn't be there. However, I am not there 24/7. I'm there a few hours a day.

I burned the part of the property where the coops were. I burned everything and threw all supplies out. I started FRESH because I wanted to start a breeding project when all this had happened. I wasn't going to risk stock to a virus. I built up new coops, new feeders, etc.

It happened with my "test" birds- just local free mutts that were homeless. I thought, okay, give a bird a home and if its an illness it HAS to be gone by now...

Boom. All birds dead within 15-30 days.

My question is- has anyone else's birds been poisoned? What were the side affects? Is there something I should be looking for?

The property is gated and has fencing + electric fencing on the top. I'm running out of funds for things like cameras and I'm just about to give up. My neighbor lives next door 24/7 and hasn't noticed anything but their chickens and goats have died of similar things. I haven't talked to them recently-but it looks like one of their horses is missing now too.

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