Chicken Noise???


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 6, 2009
Do your hens ever just erupt in frenzied squawking? Ours have started making a lot of noise. If one is laying or just has layed, it is understandable that they would alert us, but they often just start making SUCH a racket you'd swear they were being attacked! This has happened a lot recently and I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? Any solutions?
I don't think there is a solution - my girls do it too. It's the egg laying song and they all get into it.

Interesting note though, yesterday they were going nuts making noise so I went outside to see what was going on and there was a kitten in the yard (a new kitten - I'd never seen it before) staring at the parakeets that I'd put outside to sun themselves. They'd obviously been making the racket about the new creature in the backyard. Good girls!
Sometimes mine seem noisier than usual too. I run to the window thinking there must be something going on, but no, they are just being noisy!! Sorry I am no help!
Yes! My Silkie does it, and I'd heard it was the egg song so I checked all over the place, but NO EGGS... I wonder if she's practicing for the real event?
Same here. In the garden one day and all a sudden they were going nuts and we were sure something was in the pen. Went running grabbing rake on the fly just in case and NOTHING! So it was "cry wolf" but we still check when they do it just to make sure.

Chickens have a wide range of vocalizations. Scientists say they know of at least 35, more than dogs and cats combined.

Occasionally, they do erupt in a frenzy of noise. It is part of the experience. Learn to love it.

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