Chicken "mutt" club!!!

I'm new here but recently rescued a little mutt bantam hen from being snake food. She's incredibly tame and friendly but had no previous human contact/handling (was not hand raised or anything like that). It seems unusual she should be SO friendly but all she wants to do is be handled, pet, cuddled, whatever. She hangs out on my shoulder or lap for hours making weirdo robot noises... anyway - I have NO idea what she is, she's tiny (perches on my finger, like that tiny) like a Sebright, but her markings aren't right. So I think she is a mutt?
She's awesome whatever she is!
(and yep, she has a coop with a covered run outside, she just has a fit if I don't let her come in the house and spend time with me!!)


My mutt project... gonna create a super mutt. Start with a flock of mutts... slowly add a little of this for color, a little of that for eggs, a little for size etc. Rinse and repeat.
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I haven't posted about Rudy lately, here he is annoyed about his new coat. (Which I have SLAVED over making all day long)

Don't be drinking anything when you watch

I haven't posted about Rudy lately, here he is annoyed about his new coat. (Which I have SLAVED over making all day long)

Don't be drinking anything when you watch
Rudy's reaction to his new coat is too funny. His little sounds along with the fidget dance - It's priceless. He will probably learn to appreciate his coat once the wind starts bowing colder and colder. His coat actually reminds me of like long johns.
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