Chicken-less Chicken Keepers


Sing Brightly
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Aug 1, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Anyone else currently without a flock? I sold off the last of my birds in December and it may be a while before I can start another coop. If so, what are you doing to feed your bird addiction without a flock of your own?
Try pigeons! They are a joy to keep and almost always come back home.

If you wanna go for chicks again then try old english game or a good flying breed..

My uncle raised birds on his balcony once, and it doesnt work well with fat birds because they normally fall right off and never return. It worked well with pigeons, guineafowl, and flighty ayam cemani chickens.
I have thought of nicking a feral pigeon or two, they are plentiful here. If I were staying here long term I would try to work out a pet agreement with the landlord, but not sure it’s worth it at the present moment.
I have thought of nicking a feral pigeon or two, they are plentiful here. If I were staying here long term I would try to work out a pet agreement with the landlord, but not sure it’s worth it at the present moment.
Yeah, it normally takes a long time for pigeons to settle in and have babies.. until they have babies then only their babies can be free ranged.
I’ve gained a new appreciation for wild birds since dispersing my flock. Here’s a nesting robin I saw last week.
We're down to 2. When those go, we will probably hold off on new birds until we move into a better-suited place for them.
I hear ya. The first thing I do when we get a place in Poland will be to open their version of Craigslist and look for hatching eggs…

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