Chicken has made a hollow in the ground and laying in it and covering herself in dirt and not moving


Nov 8, 2018
My almost 22 week old Rhode Island Red Has made a little hole in the ground and is laying in it, rolling around and covering herself with dirt. She is pretty set on staying there, not moving when I reach for her or moving around the yard. I just started letting my hens out of the coop & run for a few hours ever day, into a larger fenced in area, so they normally run around and flap a lot, and generally seem to be happy to stretch their legs a bit. I am somewhat concerned because my one ameraucana hen acted the same way for 3 days and then died. I excitedly thought she might be laying, but she then was dead when I went out one morning.
Possible molting or laying behavior crossed my mind, but having another bird die recently has me worried.

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