Chicken has gas?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 8, 2011
Hi All: My adorable month old Japanese Bantam seems to fart. The farting is intermittent, doesn't sem to cause discomfort and, has been happening since at least one week of age. I have read that one cannot actually hear a chicken fart however, my JB farts rather loudly. Has anyone else had this experience with their chickens? Is flatulence an abnormal or an unhealthy sign? I feed my chickens medicated chick feed for now (my other chicken doesn't seem to fart). I'm not sure of my JB's gender but he/she is active and has a good appetite. Thank you.
Also, my my JB doesn't have access to any other food besides the medicated chick feed. I have seen him/her occasionally consume the pine/Aspen shavings I use for bedding.
Wow! Thats a new one on me. Hope somebody rescues you.
There is a thread that started the other day about this... LOL Yes chickens can fart, and some you can hear, some do it often, some very little.... some loud, some hardly a sound....depends on the chicken. If your chicky otherwise seems fine then I'd not be concerned. Be warned if you visit the other thread that discusses this, do not drink in front of the computer as you may end up spraying it all over the screen from laughter.....

I would watch the pine shaving eating, as that can be a problem getting stuck in croupe, but farting is not a result.
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Thank you! I will check the fart thread
I'm glad to hear it is not unusual for chicks to pass gas. Do you know of a type of bedding that would be a good alternative to pine? Thank you!
First I'd make sure he is actually consuming it rather than just picking it up, rolling it around and dropping it. You can switch to a wider cut shavings- like horse bedding that has wider chunks. I know our feed store carries Course, Fine and Super fine.

Oh, and welcome to BYC

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