Chicken face is swollen???


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2024
So one of my Easter eggers (Muffin) has been acting a little off for a while (3 months) and I had put her on vitamins for two weeks cause I think she had a deficiency kinda like wry neck but she looked dizzy
And yesterday she was fine in the morning but I came out to check in the afternoon and her face was like really swollen behind her eyes and I immediately freaked out because she was not like that last time I saw her :/
So I researched and nothing really sounded like what she had she was still acting herself a little off balance but still running around eating and drinking
Anyway I brought her inside and right now I checked on her and it looks like it got worse
Any idea what I’m dealing with???
I did try to check for ear infections but I can’t really see anything plus that chicken does not stay still enough she also broke her beak last month
Pictures ⬇️


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Swelling around the eye and sinus can be a sign of a respiratory infection, such as MG. But it also could be from a peck wound, bee sting, or injury. Things to look for are bubbles or foam in an eye, nasal or beak mucus drainage, gasping, head shaking, or crackles when breathing. Is this the hen you posted about last month with the beak injury? Could the others have hurt her? Have you added any new birds to the flock?
Swelling around the eye and sinus can be a sign of a respiratory infection, such as MG. But it also could be from a peck wound, bee sting, or injury. Things to look for are bubbles or foam in an eye, nasal or beak mucus drainage, gasping, head shaking, or crackles when breathing. Is this the hen you posted about last month with the beak injury? Could the others have hurt her? Have you added any new birds to the flock?
Yes it’s the same hen!
The other hens she stays with are very sweet and if anything she pecks at them. I haven’t added any new birds.
Swelling around the eye and sinus can be a sign of a respiratory infection, such as MG. But it also could be from a peck wound, bee sting, or injury. Things to look for are bubbles or foam in an eye, nasal or beak mucus drainage, gasping, head shaking, or crackles when breathing. Is this the hen you posted about last month with the beak injury? Could the others have hurt her? Have you added any new birds to the flock?
Also I don’t see any signs of bubbles in her eyes, no trouble breathing, no peck marks, no discharge, and she acts like there is nothing wrong with her :/

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