Chicken dizzy with strange looking eye *PICS*


5 Years
Jan 4, 2015
Hello! New here :) We have a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hen who is about 8 months old now. We noticed this morning we was walking around oddly, almost like she was drunk/dizzy. Something was very obviously wrong with her behavior. Then we realized that it appeared she was having trouble seeing. Once she was able to find the water she drank, same with the food. When I picked her up her head suddenl lilted downward in a very strange way. I noticed right way her L eye wasn't normal. Almost like the pupil has blown outward. I don't know if you can see in the pics, but the very center of her pupil is light blue. Also, where the reflection is in the pics, there is another odd blacked area of the iris. Her R eye's pupil seems to have the same problem, just much more mild. Once I put her down, she seemed to gather herself and then started to peck at the ground again.

We did some research and the closest diagnosis I can get is Marek's diease...but I can't find an Ocular Marek's presentation quite like this. There is no greying of the iris here. We isolated her, but now I am reading it's pretty much too late, if this is indeed Marek's- my other chickens have already been exposed.

So my questions are:
1. What do you think this could be? Marek's? Something else?
2. Is it worth isolating her? I'm sure she would "rather" be outside and not cooped inside....and I worry about her being cold at night being alone.

*Sorry about the "reflective" pics, it actually appears much worse in person. It almost appears that this eye is bulging out a little.

Sorry to say but this does appear to reflect a diagnosis of Mareks...there are some wonderful people here who may be able to give you great advice...




To name but some of those who have knowledge and advice

I do so hope and pray that this is not Marek's...

You can pm any of the above if they are not active on BYC...they are so supportive and will give you every help possible...
I love my chicks just like you do. Do whatever you can to isolate her without resorting of putting her outside. At least if it is cold. Sorry I cant help you more. WISHING YOU THE BEST. I refrain from using the word luck.
It is possible that she has ocular Mareks, but there also can be other problems with her eye that cause the iris having a ragged appearance, or that cause blindness, such as avian encephalomyelitis, an injury, or infection. Ocular Mareks can cause the eye to change over a period of time, to become gray-looking. I wouldn't totally decide that she has Mareks until you research this and watch her for awhile. Several BYC members such as Nambroth, Casportpony, and Seminolewind have Mareks in their flocks, and have seen different symptoms in their birds. Hopefully, she just has a problem with her eye, and it is not connected to Mareks at all. Some chickens will have ocular Mareks, and no other symptoms. I would watch her for any symptoms of weakness or paralysis in her wings, legs, or the neck. Here are some links to read about Mareks, and the one at the bottom is to show how avian encephalomyelitis can effect the pupils:'s_Disease


@Suzie- YES <3

Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. We try so hard to do everything right and still something like this occurs. So sad, so frustrating. We have lost 3 chickens in the last month: one from a hawk, one from something mysterious and one simply disappeared. I don't want to cull her or even separate her if it's not absolutely necessary. I can imagine being blind, cold and in a new place alone would make her even more depressed.

Thank you again....being a chicken mommy sure has it's highs and lows :(
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I have just sent messages to seminolewind and nambroth...explained the situation and asked them to look at your post....

Eggcessive has already sent her response to you...

Hang in is at hand....I hope and pray that this is not Marek's....the three people I mentioned have a wealth of experience...they will all help you no matter what the problem is....
@Suzie , thank you so much for your help and kindness!

@Eggcessive- Thank you!...I don't know if she has any weakness or if she's just dizzy/having trouble seeing. She seems so be having difficulty walking but once she orients herself calms down she goes back to whatever she was doing (eating drinking etc)'s definitely not "textbook" Marek's
No problem...that is what we are all here for!

She may have eaten something toxic...BUT I would prefer for the experts to help you out here...theories are good but there are some people here who have experienced Marek's in their flocks and they are the best people to give you expert advice...

It is frustrating to wait but advice and help will be with you soon...!


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