Chicken Confessional: I'm a little scared!

It's nice to me you. I've only just gotten chickens last summer. I was more excited than nervous when I first got them, though now I get worried about what bad things can happen every now and then. I've lost 2 chickens, 1 to a hawk, and 1 to some unknown reason, most likely she ate something she should not have. Being in a suburban area with a fenced in yard I don't have too much to worry about predator wise other than the hawks. My dogs and cats have kept out any possible raccoons (I've never seen any here), and killed the one possum that thought to come into the yard.

I got my chickens as pullets so they are not as friendly to me as those often raised from chicks, but they still come running when they see me in case I am bringing treats. Their little chicken talk at me is adorable and they are so cute. Each with their own personality.

Don't worry too much, as long as you build them a safe place, you'll have plenty of time to get the hang of taking care of them as they mostly take care of themselves. And if you pay attention to them you will know when something is not right and may need your help to take care of.

People here are great at giving advice on what to do if you come across a problem. If you are a worrywart like me you can always look through some of the threads discussing emergencies and problems so that you can help recognize them if they happen and have some idea of what to do if you end up with an emergency as sometimes you don't have time to wait for an answer or at least feel like you don't.

I've only 4 hens at the moment but they are great fun to watch just be chickens.


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I really really hope this is me soon! I very much want to embrace this whole thing and enjoy it (or most of it anyway). It might not be rocket science, but maybe that's why I'm so hell-bent on overthinking everything -- it feels suspiciously simple!
Im also an insane overthinker. Look at my post history and you’ll think I’m insane.

But really- it’s so easy! I started with 5 in June. Got 4 more this November and have 6 more on order for August. Because chicken math is real.
Healthy and safe for sure! Luckily the person building my run is a very experienced chicken keep in addition to run builder, so he's been schooling me on the real ins and outs of pest and predator issues.

I REFUSE to budge on my stance of being "anti-chicken math" 😂 I absolutely do not have the time or energy for more than a handful of these birds, and I have made a vow to resist the curse of Sudden Chicken Acquisition Syndrome. I hope...
Long story but summary is we were having our house worked on and needed to stay in a hotel during that time. One day we went to a feed store and they had some of the breeds I wanted (I had already been planning to get chickens). So we just got them while they were available and brooded them in the hotel for about eight weeks :)!
That's a wonderful story! I don't think you'll let anything stand in your way!
It's nice to me you. I've only just gotten chickens last summer. I was more excited than nervous when I first got them, though now I get worried about what bad things can happen every now and then. I've lost 2 chickens, 1 to a hawk, and 1 to some unknown reason, most likely she ate something she should not have. Being in a suburban area with a fenced in yard I don't have too much to worry about predator wise other than the hawks. My dogs and cats have kept out any possible raccoons (I've never seen any here), and killed the one possum that thought to come into the yard.

I got my chickens as pullets so they are not as friendly to me as those often raised from chicks, but they still come running when they see me in case I am bringing treats. Their little chicken talk at me is adorable and they are so cute. Each with their own personality.

Don't worry too much, as long as you build them a safe place, you'll have plenty of time to get the hang of taking care of them as they mostly take care of themselves. And if you pay attention to them you will know when something is not right and may need your help to take care of.

People here are great at giving advice on what to do if you come across a problem. If you are a worrywart like me you can always look through some of the threads discussing emergencies and problems so that you can help recognize them if they happen and have some idea of what to do if you end up with an emergency as sometimes you don't have time to wait for an answer or at least feel like you don't.

I've only 4 hens at the moment but they are great fun to watch just be chickens.
Oh I'm a classic anxious worrier, which is how I'm tying myself in knots in the first place. Reading the threads on problems has definitely given me great insight into preparing for problems -- even if the ultimate solution is... chickens sometimes just die. But I have a nice little first-aid kit planned, so that's a plus.

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