Chicken caught by his leg hung upside down... :(


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
So I walking into my chicken coop today and one of my teenage chickens was got his leg stuck in a wedge and was hanging upside down. I helped him down but his legs werent working normal all he wanted to do was lay but it seemed like he didnt have feeling in his legs anymore. He doesnt seem to be in pain but i would feel really bad if he couldnt use his legs anymore. is there anyway to stretch them out or help him learn how to stand up again? or could do you think something could be broke but hes just not in pain?
This happened to my chick yesterday. It did one of those jump at each other leaps and hooked a claw on the mesh. Luckily I saw it and unhooked him. I was hoping it was just a weird fluke but now I'm wondering.

Has time helped? I wonder if the legs were just exhausted from trying to get off.
It's possible he will stand and walk in a day or two, that he's in shock, has pulled muscles or ligaments, etc., so you could give him a day or two to see if he recovers, particularly if he's eating and drinking. Sometimes they do OK after a leg fracture with treatment; you may be able to tell something if you look him over carefully, maybe tomorrow. Here's a good resource for leg and foot injuries.

It's also possible that the kindest thing is to put him down, unless you are willing to care for a chicken who doesn't walk for the rest of his life. Sorry.
I had this happen to one of my hens and for the first day she could not walk, then the second day she started limping around, then after a few days she was back to being her old self.

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