Chicken can't stand, emergency


Feb 5, 2022
I have 2 chickens. Both are 8months old.
Both of them were fine till dawn. But after I went to check in the morning one of them couldn't stand at all. It has been a whole day with no improvement. It just happened suddenly. There doesn't seem to be any visible injuries on leg. It's dropping is fine. It still eats and drinks well when I hold those in front of it. Still looking completely healthy but can't stand up at all. Happened suddenly. Not sure what the problem is. I checked about Marek but doesn't seem like that. It sit in normal way all day but can't stand up for some reason.
We don't have vets here and I couldn't reach gov helpline.

If any of you can give me some advice, it would be very helpful.
Mine are doing the same. It’s really strange. I’m thinking maybe mine ate moldy veggies. Have yours eaten any questionable moldy feed or food?
Mine are doing the same. It’s really strange. I’m thinking maybe mine ate moldy veggies. Have yours eaten any questionable moldy feed or food?
Probably not
If they did what should be done to solve it?? If it's a natural way I can try it maybe
It would help to know your location. And what your weather is doing now and just before this issue. The symptoms can be from heat stroke, moldy food, petroleum distillate poisoning, and botulism toxin.

Do you have any machinery sitting in the yard leaking fluids? Do you have a compost pile? Do you have mushrooms and toadstools growing around your place?
It would help to know your location. And what your weather is doing now and just before this issue. The symptoms can be from heat stroke, moldy food, petroleum distillate poisoning, and botulism toxin.

Do you have any machinery sitting in the yard leaking fluids? Do you have a compost pile? Do you have mushrooms and toadstools growing around your place?
I am from Bangladesh
These are well tiny birds
Mainly meat birds but as I didn't give them any factory feed they grew up like normal ones but their growth has slowed down a lot
I raise them in my room. Temperature is above 30 degree Celsius
I am not really sure if it somehow ate something bad

If it's because of toxin or others that you mentioned
Will it recover?? Is there any chance??

Today is the second day by the way.
It still eats and drinks well but as it can't move I hold water and food in front of it so it eats from my hand.
Try treating for heat stroke. This would be to mix one teaspoon sugar into one cup of water with a pinch of salt and baking soda. Give this to them to drink. If it's heat stroke, this will revive them.

If it's toxin, there probably isn't much you can do unless you are able to find activated charcoal as that would help to neutralize poison.
These are well tiny birds
Mainly meat birds but as I didn't give them any factory feed they grew up like normal ones but their growth has slowed down a lot
Welcome To BYC

Can you please post some photos of the birds?

You mention she's a meat bird? What have you been feeding instead of commercial feed?

Sometimes even if you limit feed for meat birds, they can still have leg issues. And if you haven't been giving them a nutritionally balanced feed, then this may be part of the problem as well.

You have another from March about a broiler chick that was having difficulty walking. Is this the same bird or a different one?

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