Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

Oh that is really good news!!! Thank you!!
Do they slow down in winter or is that not really a factor? I've been missing a few eggs lately but they may be hiding them in a new place also...

Some people say they do, i didn't notice it with my pekins last year, even when we had snow here i still got eggs. Hylines do slow by a small percentage at year 2, and this small fraction is enough for egg producers to get rid of them, as the their calculations show that even though they will keep producing, the feed cost versus the egg production drops.

You said adopted hens, were they battery hens? If so for your rescue hens, they may take a bit of time to get comfortable, get used to their new diet and the new use of their legs. They should keep laying solidly for until they are 3, then drop off after that, but can still lay at 4,5 and 6 before they retire.

i have just seen the pic of them in your profile and they are beautiful

As for the winter question, i am not sure of your location or climate there. Here they missed a day or two on very cold days, but not really. My pekins are not the best layers at the best of times. Your girls, depending on age,health, when you got the and what they are eating should lay 2-3 eggs per day with 3 hens. Some days only one egg.

It isn't the easiest thing to predict, mine got a fright from a gennet and stopped laying for a solid week, same thing when i introduced my rooster to the flock.
I've had them for over six months now and they are very well settled. The didn't come from a battery but from a family that had them in their garden and very quickly got sick of the poop. I think they must have originally come from a hatchery though because the white one's beak looks trimmed. They are LOVING life and even though they look hilarious when they do, they love running around a lot! And they have 2 acres of garden to do it. They always sprint across the lawn to get to the other trees, I think its an aerial predator instinct that they prefer being under cover. and they scratch and dust bathe like crazy. And they are so affectionate with each other, it really is heart warming. I am in Cape Town and its just started getting colder at night, but I think one of them must just be taking a break. Its not a big issue, I love them either way, but the eggs are nice!
I am so glad you guys say they will live and lay for more than one year! I was really worried. What about molting? Do they all go through a molt? How often?
That's great that they are enjoying their life.

It is tough to say how long Hyline will live. If they were production hens then they are bred to produce eggs and that is it, parent stock wouldn't be selected based on long life or long term health.

Most rescued production hens will live to about 3 years in total. Hybrids often don't make it past 3 as they are not bred for those traits.

Hylines bought from a breeder can happily live 5-6. Without knowing the full story it is hard to say. My breeder has some that are close to 10 years old, but that is the exception rather then the rule.

Mine moult once per year, usually having the first major moult at about a year old. They will look very ragged during their moult. A lot of people like to supplement their normal food with extra items to help the feather production during this stage. Sunflower seeds are a great bet there, i grow my own and they eat them shells and all.

If you have any other questions send me a PM and i will get back to you soon

There is a place in Johannesburg called AllSortsPoultry. Kylin is the nicest person you can think of. Maybe they can make a plan getting chicks to you or she knows of someone. Google them or check them out on facebook. She really cares about her chickens and won't rip you off.
Free Range Chicken- The Red Barn are in George, they apparently have boschvelders for sale, I think they are great layers as well and they are just generally awesome!! I havent dealt with them personally but I think might be worth a try cause they are closer..

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